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eSignal 7.5 Major Features ...

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  • eSignal 7.5 Major Features ...

    We are getting close to posting the first beta version of eSignal 7.5. Along with lots of fixes, at the moment it looks like the following will be the major features:

    Data Enhancements:

    •Extended Intraday Data -- 4 months of intraday data and growing.

    •Options History -- Daily history on options to include the O/H/L/C

    •Delayed Options Data -- 15 minute delayed options available as Mix & Match service

    Market Depth:

    •CME Market Depth -- Market depth available on all CME GLOBEX electronic trading issues.

    •CBOT Market Depth -- A complete view of buy and sell orders that are pending on the CBOT's electronic trading system

    •DOM -- Vertical Display of Depth Of Market

    •FOREX in the Market Depth Window - acts like the book for Forex with multiple banks and brokerages prices displayed.


    • AFX News (AFX Europe, AFX Asia, AFX UK) -- international news

    Software Enhancements - Advanced Charting:

    •Improved Axis Management -- Better scaling of price axes

    •Symbol Overlays and Study Overlays -- The ability to properly display multiple symbols and multiple studies in one window

    •Andrew's Pitchfork -- Andrew's Pitchfork indicator now available for free (previously available with the Advanced GET Studies only)

    Other Software Enhancements:

    •Greeks on Futures -- Display of the Greek calculations in a futures options montage chain

    •Scanner Integration -- Fully integrate the eSignal Market Scanners into eSignal to allow the scanning results to be seamlessly integrated into the Quote window

    •eSignal Office Server (EOS) -- A cost effective way of managing bandwidth for all eSignal users within an office.

  • #2
    7.5 Features


    Looks like a number of good things in this next release. Though you didn't mention it explicitly, hopefully you will be including some enhancements to eSignal's Maket Profile/Volume Profile capabilities. New MP/VP features on a release by release basis will ensure that eSignal attains product leadership in this important area as well.

    Bob A.


    • #3
      more ...


      Yes there are a bunch more things ... I was just touching on the major ones. There are some MP changes coming in this release.


      • #4
        In his announcement Chuck Thompson mentions symbol and study overlays as one of the new features of version 7.5
        Here are two sample snapshots of symbol overlays.

        In the first image there are two symbol overlays (of the 5 available) each one in a different Chart Type thereby highlighting the flexibility of this new feature.
        The main chart (black OHLC bars) is for $INDU, while the blue Line Chart (based on the Close) is for $COMPQ and the Candlesticks are for the 10yr Notes.

        The next image is of a 1 minute chart of ES Z3 with the $TICKI overlayed. It is worthwhile to note that although the Time Template for the chart is set to the e-mini S&P session the $TICKI plot is perfectly synced despite the fact that it has different trading hours.



        • #5
          Following up on the prior message here are a few more screenshots to show study overlays.
          In the first image the MACD from the Basic Studies is overlayed in the price window.

          In the next image the Ergotic TSI efs from TS Support is overlayed again on prices.

          The last image shows how two indicators with very different scales ie a Price Oscillator and a Stochastic can now be easily and successfully overlayed in the same pane.

          Last edited by ACM; 09-14-2003, 10:10 PM.


          • #6
            There is a feature in AGET standalone that I sure would like to have in the eSignal version. The ability to have multiple stacked studies in multiple study window panes.


            • #7
              Volume/Market Profile 7.5 Beta

              Looking forward to any and all Volume/Market Profile improvements.

              Keep up the good work!


              • #8
                7.5 and MP enhancements


                Thanks for the good news re MP enhancements. Much appreciated! BTW, the overlay capability looks outstanding.

                Finally, please add my vote to the request from PJ909 for stacked studies as in AGET. I know it's not a new request and it may not make it in this release but hopefully soon.

                Bob A.


                • #9
                  Glad too see scanner integration in 7.5. Any chance of getting a EOD version of scanner (without having to buy GET EOD)?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pj909
                    There is a feature in AGET standalone that I sure would like to have in the eSignal version. The ability to have multiple stacked studies in multiple study window panes.
                    I believe this is what you are referring to... if so, it's in 7.5!

                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                    • #11
                      Beyond 7.5 - New Exchanges

                      Beyond the eSignal 7.5 release, the next group of Asian exchanges we will bring online by year end are:

                      1. Tokyo Stock Exchange & TOPIX Futures

                      2. Korea Stock Exchange

                      3. KOSDAQ

                      4. Bombay Stock Exchange

                      5. Nagoya Stock Exchange

                      6. Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

                      7. Osaka Stock Exchange

                      8. Thailand Stock Exchange


                      • #12
                        Stacked studies in multiple panes.

                        Hi Jay,

                        What I'm looking for is (like AGET) to be able to create a series of study panes I refer to from time to time and then stack them into a single pane with tabs AND then add a series of tiled panes below this first tabbed pane.

                        Is this possible in 7.5 (I hope!) ?

                        Bob A.


                        • #13
                          Here is what I mean (and I think what Bob A. means) by multiple stacked studies. In this case 2 panes with multiple indicators in each pane.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Not yet possible in 7.5, unfortunately. Thanks for the clarification, Bob, and the screenshot, pj909.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #15
                              pj909 how do you get those quick buttons to outline the advanced charts like that?


