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Changes to the VIX and VXN

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  • #16
    Dear Kargoyle,

    I appreciate your concerns about $VIX and how it impacts your trading strategies and decisions. You had sent at least 1 email earlier this month that was responded to by me personally. I confirmed that we were aware of the changes and notified you that we would be implimenting them as Jay has suggested. I apologize for not going into detail as Jay did, he was much more thorough than I in the details of the change.

    Sorry that you felt we did not answer your questions as specifically as you wished. I will definately make sure that is improved upon with myself.

    Good luck trading!
    Heather Holmes
    eSignal Technical Support


    • #17
      Well the new VIX is here - and it looks like eSignal has both VIX and VXO. FAQ #8 in VIXWHITE.pdf says they have historical data back to 1986 but I'm only getting it back to 1990. The Download file from CBOE also only goes to 1990.

      So how do we get the rest of the data?


      • #18
        As far as I know, historical data at eSignal doesn't go back further than 1990. Look at your stockcharts.

        So, you'll not be able to get this via eSignal, I guess.


