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Clsoing Prices

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  • Clsoing Prices

    has anyone noticed different closing prices on the nazz issues since last week. esignal shows a closing price and then a short while later the close is much lower but the form t shows back up to the original close. i've noticed this on brcm and nvls today and several days last week. for example nvls closed at 38.56 yet is now showing a close on esignal of 37.987 but is showing a last trade/form t of 38.56. what's happening here?

  • #2
    Thanks jeddins for your post. We have confirmed the cause of the problem. There was an unexpected data type coming from the exchange ("Volume Weighted Trade"), and we were treating it as a regular session trade instead. We have corrected this, and this problem should no longer occur.

    Thanks again.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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