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weird bonds fraction scaling

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  • weird bonds fraction scaling

    Is somebody aware of this weird scaling for bonds futures. It visually screw chart. There is no easy way just visually figure out price for bar. Always it is like 10811,12,14,16,18 and then again 19, 21 and so on. Is it bug? other charting packages don't have this problem. It is kinda expensive to use esignal only for datafeed and use for example ensign or other package because of this.

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  • #2
    Bonds scaling

    I have the same problem with Bonds (ZB). The price does not match the price bars across the entire chart. Also the scaling is not consistent. Ex: 3,6,9,14,17,21. Logarithmic scaling has no effect. Is there any way to get control of the price scale? Random scaling is really annoying to those interested in even ticks ( 1/8's, 1/4's). Hopefully, I've just overlooked something?


    • #3
      I only trade treasury notes (ZN) and bonds (ZB) occasionally but actually the scaling makes sense. Minimum price fluctuations for Notes (ZN) trade in one-half of thirty-second (1/32) point per 100 points. For example, if you use IB as your broker you will see prices listed for ZN as 112'035 which should mean 112 + 3.5/32.

      I believe that bonds (ZB) only trade in thirty-seconds (1/32) and thus 10822 means 108 + 22/32. IB would quote them as 108 22/32 (a little different than notes). However, the scaling for eSignal is the same for both.

      Again I don't trade these often and it does take some getting used to but once you do you may find it easier.


      • #4
        Here is one more example how bad bond scaling actually is. I dont think that the price for ZN 112073 has any meanig in 1/32 or 1/64 fraction scale...

        and even price is on one line the bar is shift 3-4 mm from that label. I really don't understand that nobody point this until now.
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        • #5
          This issue is caused by the Advanced Chart scaling not being aware of the minimum price fluctuation of the charted symbol. This isn't unique to bonds, but just more apparent. In the below, you'll see an ES Tick Chart. The min. price fluctuation for ES is 25 points, but the scaling is 102350, 102360, 102370, etc.

          I'll pass this thread along to our Product Development Team to see if any improvements can be made on this.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            That is really advanced... I suggest one thing for project management, not to enhance platform on this crazy pace, but focus on make it robust and flawless. It is completely useless so many bells and whistlers when basic building block (chart) can not provide basic functionality (scaling).




            • #7
              In your example at least the scale is consistant and even: 30,40,50... Half-way points are easily visualized. Bonds are divided into 32nds, so why are odd numbers being thrown onto their scale? See rsm8888's example below (ZB).
              Imagine if your favorite stock was scaled like this: 10,20,30,37,49. Such a scale is a hindrance, not a help.


              • #8
                Yes, I absolutly agree with ghengis khan. It is a shame. EVERY other charting software is scaling properly. I tried for reference Ensign, Qchart, Neoticker, QuoteTracker, LocalKnowledge a whole bunch ActiveX charting object. I just wonder if esignal didn't cut not only on 800# but also on QA department. It seriously remind me one operating system company which periodically release beta version and call it final release. You need to understand in Esignal that we are trading OUR not your money and with software which makes more trouble than help it is VERY difficult. It makes me outrageous especially after problem with market profile release 7.4 (normal production release, charged at full price and value area was NOT even CLOSE). I really would like to hear from somebody who is in charge of QA (quality and assurance department). Hope you have somebody. The reason why I am still with esignal is coverage of asian markets at "relatively" affordable price. "relatively"= considering uslessness of charting package which comes which datafeed.




                • #9

                  We appreciate your feedback and your sentiments are coming across loud and clear. We do our best to fix existing code problems in every new release but with the complexity of our code, it's not always possible. As we add more functionality more issues surface, thereby continually adding to that list of fixes that need to be addressed.

                  There's also an element of demand invloved. If we discover a bug in a remote part of the code that's rarely used by customers, we'll likely turn our attention to a problem that multiple users are reporting. While this scaling issue has been reported before, it really hasn't been as a high a profile item as many others. It is on our list to fix and I'm being told it should get addressed in either a future beta of 7.5 or in 8.0, due out in early 2004.

                  Thanks for taking the time to give us your perspective as it does assist us in assigning priorities.

                  Scott Johnson
                  VP, Client Services


                  • #10
                    ScottJ and JayF:

                    This is rather amateurish. A Charting Service that can't make the price and price bars match up on one of the largest futures markets in the world. And doesnt seem to know that Bonds are traded in 32nds.

                    "As we add more functionality more issues surface, thereby continually adding to that list of fixes that need to be addressed."

                    Instead of bells and whistles, how about just the basics?
                    Last edited by ghengis khan; 09-25-2003, 03:51 AM.


                    • #11
                      Just wandering, was made any progress in this issue?



                      • #12
                        Hello all,

                        We do expect to have this issue fixed in version 7.5 but it's not available to view in a beta version as of yet. Official release for 7.5 is currently set for 11/18/03 so I suspect a beta, with this fix, should be made available over the next 10 days or so.



                        • #13
                          major step forward


                          some major improvement was done. Advanced charts started to show normal numbers on the scale. But!!!! Guys in depelopment department need serious analysis. TY 10year notes are traded in 1/64 not 1/32 like US 30 years bonds. So please correct it before release. Anyway the charts at least showing something usefull now. I just wondering was I only one who traded bonds with advanced charts? As was said it was not very high priority fix...

                          Thanx Richard
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            very strange

                            TY chart scale just fixed while I was writing post on board...
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                            • #15
                              Hi Richard,

                              Not sure what beta you are on but we re-introduced a scaling problem in beta 6 so that'll be corrected in beta 7 next week.


