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Pages vs Layouts

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  • Pages vs Layouts

    There is very little difference between pages and layouts. I would like to propose the following to the developers and the community to create some additional functionality.

    The concept I propose is to think of layouts as design centric like a style sheet or template and to think of pages as chart centric. A page would actually be a component of the layout and contain one or more charts. This "window" of charts could be changed without changing the layout. (Note - this might make it easier to import pages from both RT and EOD AGET.) Also, instead of eliminating the rotation feature it may make sense to store these new pages locally where rotation could be done at an acceptable pace.

  • #2
    First off just to review, let me start by defining the difference between a Layout and a Page. A Layout saves the location of each window within eSignal, and when using Layouts each window needs to be saved as a seperate file. A Page saves the location of all windows, and also saves all the windows... all within the same page file.

    pj909 is correct. They are close in functionality, but at the same time have a defining difference. Because of its simplicity, the Page is much easier to use and manage, but there is one key advantage to using Layouts. If I have multiple Layouts each containing the same window, if I make a change in that window and save it, all of my Layouts will now reflect the change.

    pj909's concept is certainly interesting, but it sounds challenging to program. An eSignal Layout that can contain multiple pages, which can contain multiple windows per page. I'll certainly pass this suggestion along, but I'm not sure it could be a direct replacement for the Layout/Page setup we have now.

    Appreciate the idea!
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      While mutiple pages would be interesting, I had only thought of a single page "window". The genesis of the idea came from something I used to do in AGET. In my watch list sometimes I like to have charts of related securities and/or time frames on the same page. For example several gold stocks and gold all on the same page. This specialty view can easily be done in eSignal. However, I'm using many more features in eSignal and I have a primary layout that includes a portfolio, various quote screens, charts, etc. This layout is my primary trading screen and lets me see most of what I'm interested in quickly and easily. But, if I want to see a different view I have to leave my trading screen and load a different page or layout. My workaround so far has been to keep these special views in AGET. Would the programming be any easier if it was limited to 1 page? i.e. create a new window type called page that can have multiple objects in it.

