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PC Locking Up When Using eSignal

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  • PC Locking Up When Using eSignal

    I am frustrated trying to solve the problem of my PC locking up when I am trying to do something in eSignal. Please help.

    Sympton: Usually between 9:30am and 10:00am my PC will lock up when I highlight a symbol in a quote window to view the symbol on a chart.

    The indicators in the task bar indicate that memory usuage and CPU usage are moderate to low at the time of lock up.

    Applications Running:
    eSignal - assigned below average priority
    data manager - assigned low priority
    Pop-Up Inspector - assigned low priority
    Internet explorer
    IB-TWS stand alone S/W
    Microsoft Word.
    two-MIRC chat room windows.
    Norton Anti-Virus
    UPS-Power Control S/W
    Atomic Clock

    PC resources:
    1.0GHz processor
    512Mbytes of Ram
    Broadband internet connection
    40Gbyte hard disk

  • #2
    I know this doesn't help, chipper, but I have had lockups just the same - only two so far. I'm also using TWS standalone, but apart from that and eSignal can't see anything else in common. My lockups also occur directly after interacting with eSignal in some way.

    WinXP Pro with all latest patches
    eSignal 7.4
    Java RT 1.4.1_03
    TWS (latest version @ 20th Sept)
    Another Java app
    TS2000i GlobalServer



    • #3
      I have a similar config and problem. I also use IARSN Taskinfo 2003 to see who's hogging the system. CPU utilization goes to 100% when tws is made an active window on top of eSignal. I've found that the starting TWS first seems to help. Also, if you are using any other apps that get data from WINROOS then start Data Manager and those apps before eSignal. I'm pretty sure the problem is Java and seems to have gotten worse with the upgrades from IB over the last few months. BTW prob a good idea to upgrade to 1.4.2_01. Get it from the SUN site.


      • #4

        Yeh, I though it must be Java too. I have upgraded Java as per your suggestion. We'll see what happens next.....



        • #5

          You may want to look at this FAQ as well.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Thanks for the link to the FAQ, but I had already looked at this. My problem isn't sluggish performance, so your performance tips, while interesting aren't really pertinent. Performance is fine normally, with low CPU and memory utilisation (P4 2.5GHz, 1Gb RAM). When this lockup occurs it is complete - no keys work and the whole thing is frozen. Ctrl+Alt+Del does nothing. The only way to get out of it is to press reset.

            As I say, it's only happened twice, so I will see what happens this week following my Java upgrade and refresh to latest video drivers (Matrox AGP G550 DualHead).



            • #7
              Continuing Test

              Well, I've been testing different scenerios to determine the source of the lock ups. So far it seems to be an interaction of two or more programs. I had it lock up when I am using eSignal, when word is autosaving and simply when I rebooted the PC.

              I have also installed new video drivers from ATI posted on 9/4/03.

              I will continue to run tests until I can pinpoint the problem or I have compiled a list of work-arounds.



              • #8
                Fixed My PC Lockup Problem

                Hello folks,
                Well this weekend I finally got my PC working and it's been stable for two days now.

                I got a more powerful power supply and I moved all my video cards into one area, slots 1,2 and the AGP slot.

                So far no hang ups with the PC runnning at full tilt.

                Thanks for the help.



                • #9
                  I've had no further problems, so it looks like the combination of JAVA upgrade and video driver refresh has solved the problem.


