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Symbol Entry in new Time&Sales

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  • Symbol Entry in new Time&Sales

    I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but how does one enter a symbol into the new Time&Sales advanced chart?

    The above part of the chart says <Type Symbol>, but there's nowhere to actually enter the symbol on the chart. I tried linking it, but it also does not work.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Select the T&S window by clicking on it and then just like in an Advanced Chart begin typing the symbol which will open the Change Symbol dialog box. Then press <Enter> or click OK


    • #3
      Thanks a lot. I did not know that...


      • #4
        Another T&amp;S Problem

        I thought I'd attach my T&S problem to this thread instead of starting a new thread.

        The trades are listed twice in my T&S for the dow mini-sized futures. I have the YM Z3 futures in a T&S and every trade is listed twice. Two entries back-to-back. There is never an singel trade listed or an odd number of trades listed in the T&S for the YM. I've also compared it to the volume indicator in the advanced chart for the YM Z3. While the volume indicator will so number of the actual trades the T&S will of course show duplicate trades.

        I do not have this problem with other symbols in this T&S.

        Please explain or suggest a fix.




        • #5
          I believe that was a problem in an early version of 7.4. Please make sure you have the latest copy of 7.4 or the 7.5 beta.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Been there done that

            I downloaded the lastes eSignal last night. Below are the stats.
            Also, how safe is the 7.5 beta. I usually wait until the released versions.


            username: chipper338, version: eSignal 7.4 (Build 608), symbols: 24, FI,File INTL,International / Full Capture ATIC,Amex Ticker PCFC,PC Full Capture GP,Group Power Report SC2,Symbol Count 2 NYSE,New York AMEX,American NASD-BA,Nasdaq Bid/Ask NASD,Nasdaq MFMM,Mutual & Money Market DB,Index N-BA,NYSE - Bid/Ask A-BA,AMEX - Bid/Ask OT,NASD Supplemental BB,NASD Bulletin Board CBTE,Chicago Board of Trade eMini CMEE,CME Electronic DBC Headlines/Reports (DB) DBC Reports (FI) ,

