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PowerView in Esignal

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  • #16
    Would love to hear Jay comment on the time line of the 1-st improvement.



    • #17

      Following on from Azzieus' request for info - any news on when this will be implemented? Will it be in eSignal 7.6, if so when is that version due? Totalview and Powerview are pretty useless at the moment imho, as each is missing part of the picture.


      Originally posted by shaeffer
      Hi Brian,

      As I understand it from discussions with Jay, there will be a two step improvement in market depth.
      The first will be to add to Totalview the best (only) quotes from the non-supermontage participants. The DepthView (upper)window would be unchanged from what we see today, but the lower quote window would then show:

      1. multiple quotes from supermontage members at the same top five price levels as shown in the depthview window, as we presently see in Totalview and Powerview.
      2. best only quotes from supermontage members outside of the top 5 price levels - this would be new
      3. best only quotes from all non-supermontage members - this would be new, and the big improvement, imo.

      In other words, the lower quote window would now be the same as seen in Powerview or L2, plus the multiple quotes now seen in Totalview.

      And the Depth Meter would then reflect all the liquidity seen in the quote window. This was going to be a high priority at eSignal (very early this year?).


      • #18
        I don't believe 7.6 will contain any of these changes to the Market Depth Window. Why this remains a priority, some other issues came before it. My understanding of 7.6 is that it will be mostly a data and maintenance (i.e. bug fixing) version. Once the beta is released, we'll know exactly what 7.6 entails.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #19
          Sorry to re-open this but, have any of these things changed yet?

          I just tried TotalView and have a few Q's:
          1. I can not see ARCA in TotalView but in L2, I can see ARCA? Strange or by-design or my imagination?

          2. What's the difference between 'Size' and 'HSize' columns? They look identical?

          3. Why do + and - signs keep appearing on price column?

          4. Why do up and down arrows appear on price and size columns?

          5. What does that second 'symbol link' drop-down button do on the title bar?

          Thanks in advance! (And, if this is all answered somewhere, sorry! Couldn't find it... Just point me to it!)

          Thanks again!



          • #20
            I think you can find some of the answers here


            • #21
              Thanks Alex! Some good stuff in there.

              If anyone knows the answer to these, that'd be handy -- though, I can probably guess the answers.
              2. What's the difference between 'Size' and 'HSize' columns? They look identical?

              3. Why do + and - signs keep appearing on price column?

              4. Why do up and down arrows appear on price and size columns?

              YOWZA! I read about the NYSE 'open book' -- is this for real? i.e. will it really show me 'STOP LOSS' orders or 'BUY STOP orders' on any NYSE stock? Has anyone tried this? That sounds amazing...

              Yeah, we can all guess where the stops are clustered, but to SEE them. There's gotta be some value in that...



              • #22
                Hi Soylent,

                The main difference between Size and HSize is the HSize contains a horizontal bar displaying the size of the current bid and ask. Looking at the image below, you can see that there isn't a number difference between Size and HSize. HSize just represents the Size in a visual way.

                The same sort of principle applies to the + and - signs. These are tied to the up and down arrows that are associated with the bid/ask and the bid/ask size.

                Basically, when there is an up arrow, or + sign, it indicates that the market maker has increased either the size or improved the price since their last update. The same is true for down arrows or - signs. This is a quick way to tell if the Market Maker is increasing their buying or selling with either price or volume. Hope this helps.


                • #23
                  Duane --

                  Thanks a lot for the explanations!

                  I have to say: I have no clue whether TotalView vs. regular level 2 is more useful but today, it was dead-on when looking @ tops/bottoms. While it only showed 'support/resistance' for the next several minutes, when TotalView showed intense 'ASK' availability, that was the top (short term) for the next hour...

                  Of course, general TA would tell me this but it certainly clued me in to wait for a more strength to build before bothering w/ a long.

                  (Stock in point: VRTS this morning based around 17.50 and pulled back to 17.20 before coming back up. Also, AAPL showed strength all morning and dipped in afternoon).

                  Very nice.

                  Thanks again,


