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does this bother anyone else?

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  • does this bother anyone else?

    I absolutely cannot believe that Esignal doesn't offer real time indices and stats. Some are delayed by 2 seconds some by as much as 15.

    It boggles the mind how this company stays in business.

  • #2
    Can you please give some examples?



    • #3

      The nasdaq 100 for 1.


      • #4

        The last paragraph of this FAQ addresses your question.

        To put this in a different light, if one was to calculate an index in real-time, that would mean that each time one of the components of the index trades, the index would need to be recalculated. If that was the case I would imagine that you could see anywhere from 50-200+ updates a second during the opening hour of the Nasdaq. Now imagine the Russell 2000... As mentioned in the FAQ our source for many indices is the exchange, and it is up to the exchange to determine the frequency of updates.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Well then how do you explain other indices being calculated every 2 seconds vs. every 15 for the naz 100?

          I went to another service provider and they are real time or as real time as you can get but Esignal is not.

          Esignal just chooses not to pay for the service at our expense that's all and I find it annoying I have to go pay somebody else 20 a month for the "correct" information.

          Please don't tell me it is a technology limitation when it clearly isn't.

          It's very insulting.


          • #6
            What is even more amusing about that answer is that you offer the NYSE composite real time and it's hundreds and hundreds of companies.

            So tell me now that it can't be done.

            What's the real reason?


            • #7
              FWIW excerpt from the specifications on NDX at the CBOE site
              "..The Nasdaq Stock Market calculates and disseminates the Nasdaq-100 Index every 15 seconds during the trading day."
              Click here for the page.


              • #8

                I don't get it. Are you a esignal customer? If so, why if you think they are so bad that they should be out of business? There must be some reason to stick with them...hmmm

                If not, why are you posting on the boards, are you a spoiler?

                The answer to you question was already given. They don't calculate the indexes themselves, they resend what the exchanges send. So it is up to the exchanges how often it is updated.

                Of course the other service providers usually do the same thing and claim its realtime - because they send out the information as soon as the exchange does...hmmm...maybe arming users with too much info is dangerous after all.

                A few do calculate some of the stats and indexes on the fly...but not many and even then they usually don't calculate all of them.



                • #9
                  Re: does this bother anyone else?

                  Originally posted by cdalrym
                  I absolutely cannot believe that Esignal doesn't offer real time indices and stats. Some are delayed by 2 seconds some by as much as 15.

                  It boggles the mind how this company stays in business.
                  Just because you made a question , I politely answer you: No , it does not bother me at all.
                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • #10
                    I never said I wanted them to go out of business I just wonder how they retain traders with an inferior product that's all.

                    I've been with Esignal for years and never complained but now I am. I'm sick of being charged these absurd things like "region fees" etc.

                    It doesn't matter I'm venting my anger that what I need that I am paying for isn't any good that's all.

                    Interactive brokers has it and it is right for 20 bucks a month.

                    I guess it's just another fee Esignal is going to make me eat.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cdalrym

                      Interactive brokers has it and it is right for 20 bucks a month.

                      I've no clue why after years you suddenly get so upset, especially when things are improving constantly, not getting worse

                      Let me just state that the indices in IB are approximately as 'real-time' as they are in eSignal.

                      The region fee by the way is going to disappear, so this should please you.

                      Next one doesn't trade indices, one trades stocks, options and futures. The quotes for these should be as real-time as possible. I really wonder why it is such a problem that indices are not as realtime as you want them.

                      I've also tried several services. I certainly do not think eSignal is perfect, but your remark concerning the indices being realtime with others is, to say the least, unlikely in my experiences. They simple get updated at the exchange every xxx seconds, as explained in the FAQ.

                      It is possible that another provider makes it's own calculations and presents this as an index in realtime. It would be nice if you can give us the name and symbol of this provider, so we can all check and find out what's going on there.

                      Your way of ventilating your criticism doesn't give you a lot of support from my side, I must add.



                      • #12
                        Humble Suggestion

                        Hello to All,

                        May I humbly suggest that the use of the futures may be a good leading indicator of the market direction. I know the cash indicies are calculated and therefore, become somewhat of a lagging indicator but I have found the futures as a useful leading indicator.

                        My I recommend the ES Z3 for the SP500, the NQ Z3 for the Nasdaq and the YM Z3 for the Dow mini-sized futures.

                        I hope this helps,


