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GANN Fan ; when will it be standard (as with CQG)?

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  • GANN Fan ; when will it be standard (as with CQG)?


    I can understand than T Joseph development be part of adv get option like it is also the case with CQG but I don't understand why eSignal doesn't offer Gann Fan as part of the basic standard features. Is it something that is planned soon?


  • #2
    I am not a part of this development team, but it would not surprise me if it were a doable idea to add a simple Gann Fan to eSignal Basic Studies? Just to make sure the people who plan these things see your ideas, please make sure you forward a copy of these really suggestions to the development team-- [email protected]

    Phantom, all your ideas posted today are very good! Honestly, thanks! All it takes sometimes is for someone like yourself to plant a seed, point out an idea or observation. Send me some of the water you are drinking! I like your way of thinking!

    Take care,


    • #3
      Phantom, just get ESIGN it has all that stuff you have been asking about. Esignal should have this, but they don't! We all want our indicators, but they are not God. So we will have to wait or use another program until they do.

      Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


      • #4
        I will tell you the eSignal development team is really responsive to consumer needs, so don't run away so quickly!

        For example, in August someone recommended having "Pitchforks" as a Basic study feature. Less than two months later, go into the beta you will find it there.

        The development team is cranking on all cylinders and has been very responsive to consumer needs. It just takes enlightenment.

        Make your real needs be known. Be as descriptive, as helpful as possible in explaining the need. Illustrate how you would like a new feature to work, provide any helpful information to help programmers and others visualize what a new feature should look like and how you want it to work. Then forward it to [email protected]


