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Point & Figure charts lag behind

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  • Point & Figure charts lag behind

    I recently started using p&f charts, and was little upset to see horrible charts in esignal 7.4 version. They lag behind data and on 1 min time scale they do not really look like chatrts either some time they appear as random x and 0 and something not at all. I have compared them with metastock 8.01 running side by side, esig definitely lags behind metasock. Anybody has any thought about it. I want to keep the box size 0.33 and reversal 1 on 5 min charts.

  • #2
    I would suggest downloading eSignal 7.5 Beta as this has some enhancements and fixes for Point & Figure charts. One that I'm certain you'll like is the "Alternate Display" setting, which draws X's and O's all the way up to the reversal point as many software packages do. Here's an example of the difference.

    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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