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How to reset data manager from XP batch file

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  • How to reset data manager from XP batch file

    Just wanted to share this tip with everyone. Believe it or not, XP does not have a "wait" batch command, and so a hack is required.

    Without exiting from eSignal's client softwae (winsig.exe), just set a link to click on or execute the following batch command which kills the turbofeed data manager and replaces it, but after waiting a required interval of time so it is more likely to pick up a new server instance.

    When the data manager (winros.exe) is reset, eSignal support recommends waiting at least 15 seconds before reconnecting. I had a problem this morning, connecting to a viable historical data server, and realized that this delay is very important in reconnecting to alternative server instances in eSignal's "server farm".

    In your c:\esignal directory, create the following restartDataManager.bat file:

    taskkill /im winros.exe /t /f
    cd \esignal
    call wait 15
    start c:\esignal\winros.exe

    Create another separate .bat file, named wait.bat in the same directory:

    ping -n %1 -w 1000 > NUL


    Here's now it works. Taskkill immediately terminates winros.exe, and the call command pauses 15 (seconds) to the wait.bat file. In turn, the ping command expands to:

    ping -n 15 -w 1000 > NUL

    This waits 1 seconds for each ping reply (which never comes because is an invalid IP address), and repeats the process 15 times for 15 seconds of wait, with output being sent to the null device, before progressing to the next batch command which restarts the data manager. Yeah, there really isn't a wait command in the standard XP distribution...

  • #2

    Thanks to bfry5282 but I like to know from the moderator if he or the staff believe that your proposal is viable and safe.

    I really - as all the others in this BB - appreciate your interesting suggestions, but before touch some part of the program I like to know if I'm safe with that or if your good hint can drive the support to an even more sophisticated and safe solution.

    I'm saying so for I'm experiecing a serious problem in those days.

    I'm running ESIG Platinum toghether with Ensign , just a study of it but toghether on the same machine. Ensign is - of course feed by the Data Server.

    What happens is that whilst ensign charts works perfectly, the ESIGNAL do not refresh at all. so I have to do it manually through the cntrl+ . It happens on one chart , or on two charts , or three charts + the MP on three different screens.

    Seems like DS is not able to feed properly two heavy applications, so he devote itself just to one.

    The problem seems so difficult to solve that I'm planning to open another account just to feed ENSIGN study.

    but if we can solve this I will appreciate it.

    Last edited by fabrizio; 10-15-2003, 02:29 PM.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

