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  • general

    Hi Alex (and all) E mailed this but not sure it will get into the forum so "newthreading" it

    Greatly appreciate yr help and quick responses. Bit of detail about myself.
    I live in Zimbabwe, Africa.

    I trade the es thru e sig, IB and was charting on TS2000i. I really like
    2000i but collection of o nite data and intradday data if I switch off mid
    session, is hopeless. I use Uniserver for this which is quick and efficient
    but does not collect volume info on 1 min resolution. It does on tick
    resolution but is hopelessly slow.

    I am reasonably competent at programming in EL in TS2000i but have not got
    my head around the e sig Java Script language (yet).

    I have 3 indics which I have programmed in EL and which I use a lot. I
    feel they are good and useful indics and they have made money. Is there any
    way of getting them converted to efs Javascript code. I would be quite
    willing to fileshare them.

    Also what is the best route to learning the Javascript coding?

    One again, thank you.


  • #2

    If you post the TS code some one (I know I will) will take a look and see if the code can be converted.

    I can read TS code and if it isnt too tricky should be able to convert to .efs


    • #3
      While waiting for a reply from Jason, Jay or someone else on the JavaScript questions here are a couple of solutions with regards to the volume issue with Uniserver (or ActiveX Plugin which is the same).
      When downloading 1 Minute put a check in Use Up Volume As Total Volume. This will essentially take the Total Volume (which TS2k seems unable to read on intraday) and copy it in the Up Volume field which TS2k uses (together with Down Volume field) to determine the Total Volume.
      The other solution is to first download the 1 Minute and 1 Day resolutions then download the 1 Tick resolution. This way the Up and Down Volume fields are populated making the Volume data available to TS2k.

