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ARCA book a mess

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  • ARCA book a mess

    On the market depth screen, the ARCA book is totally incorrect. It has been like this for quite a few days now. The ISLD book is accurate.

    The ARCA book problems can be seen by comparing the bids & asks to the L2 screen & also to the free book on

    Is the problem known?

    Time estimate for a fix?

  • #2
    This thread should answer your question. No firm ETA on a fix, yet, from what I have heard.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
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    • #3
      I hope the efforts are being placed on fixing problems with existing features, before developing new features.

      Not being able to see the ARCA book is a big trader problem.


      • #4
        Jay, could you check again to see if there's an estimate when it'll be working again?


        • #5

          As you can see from the above, I first reported problems with ARCA and Island books back in August. I was told at the time I would hear back regarding fixes to this serious issue. Guess what? NOTHING. Meanwhile all sorts of new bells and whistles while something as important as accurate quote information remains broken. Not a good thing at all.


          • #6
            Jay or any other Esignal employee,

            Any update as to when it will be working?


            • #7
              Hi n23mc,

              Here's the current status on this. We've been working with Arca on bringing in the new feed. We've had some technical issues with Arca in getting the feed to work and have not come to an immediate solution for this. At this time we have elected to take the Arca feed from sister company, Comstock. We expect to bring this online January / February time frame.



              • #8
                Andy, thanks for the update.

                By the way, any chance a combined Island/Arca book tab can be added to the market depth screen in a future version of Esignal? It would show the Island & Arca book info mixed onto 1 screen.

