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XP Pro Crashes

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  • #16
    You need to read the configuration setting in the router manual or call esignal for help with it. It varies depending on what router you use.

    Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


    • #17
      Crash Update

      Well, I am still suffering occasional crashes, but they seem to be happening less frequently. Here is what I have done so far.

      1. Remove all unnecessary PCI Cards.
      2. Flash BIOS with latest version from ASUS
      3. Format harddrive and reload XP Pro and all service packs
      4. Load eSignal ( I have tried various versions, I am at 7.5 RC )

      There are only two things I have not tried.

      1. Moving the NIC to slot #1
      I am avoiding this because of the fan on my AGP card. (GeoForce4 MX 440)

      2. New power supply.

      I just installed a new power supply. Antec 430 Watt.

      There were a few other models, that claimed higher wattages, but I think that the Antec seemed to have the power distributed well across the voltages, as opposed to one voltage with a high amperage rating.

      The Antec also advertised that it had separate circuitry for the different voltages, which is supposed to make the power supply work better, any comments?

      We'll see how this works and if it cures the crashes or not. I'll update in a day or two.



      • #18
        Pointer and memory reference problems can quite often be traced back to faulty dimms in the memory slots. This might only show up under certain conditions. For instance, games might run well, but compiling apps presents problems. You might try a memory tester:, and see if the memory is running okay.


        • #19

          Sounds like you have covered all the bases that I can think of, the only thing left I would be sceptical about is the motherboard. That is all that I can think of.

          Hope you figure it out, if not let us know , I will be happy to continuously try and help you pound out this miserable problem!

          Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


          • #20
            Thanks for all the help guys. I am in the process of running the memory tests right now. I have downloaded 3 different tests and will be running each one in turn. My machine has two 512MB DDR333 dimms, and there definitely seems to be a problem. I am swapping back and forth between the dimms, and trying different sockets.

            The documentation I have been reading on line indicates that memory problems are quite common in the Athalon based systems.

            I have an ASUS A7V333 motherboard and an Athalon XP 2200+, is anyone else using this motherboard combination? Does anyone else have memory problems?



            • #21
              Problem Resolved

              Thanks for the help.

              I pulled out one of the dimms in my machine, based on the memory testing, and now everything seems to be running fine. I have had eSignal running for two days now without a single crash.


