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Charts don't match

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  • Charts don't match

    I'm looking at two charts for "ES #F=2" and the closing prices for the bars that close at 8:00 am don't match.

    15 min bars, 7:45 bar close = 1042.25
    45 min bars, 7:15 bar close = 1042.00

    Time and Sales shows last trade for this period at 7:59:59 as 1042.25

    Both charts use the same time template. The 45 minute chart was built in real-time. This looks like a bug, where the charts built in real-time are not assigning the last trade of the period to the right bar. Can somebody investigate this?
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Here's an excerpt from one of our FAQs that should answer this question.

    When you initially request a new chart, the data is supplied from our Tick Server and loaded onto your desktop. From that point forward, data is then streamed in from our Network and cached locally on your system. When you "refresh", all of the data on that chart is re-sent by our Tick Server and the cached data is cleared. If your PC clock is slightly fast or slow, this could also result in slight differences after a refresh.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      Originally posted by JayF
      Here's an excerpt from one of our FAQs that should answer this question.
      Thanks Jay, that seems to explain what I've been seeing. I'll try refreshing the chart more often.

