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How can I display eight daily bars on daily charts?

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  • How can I display eight daily bars on daily charts?

    Eight bars only. The template can only specify how many intraday bars to display.

    -- Clearpicks
    Last edited by clearpicks; 10-19-2003, 09:45 PM.

  • #2
    Use your axis on the bottum of the advanced chart to to size the chart to the bars you want it to show and it will stay there until you change it. Nice run on sentence... LOL If you are trying to use a daily and intraday on the same chart you will probably have to use separate chartsfor it to load exactly the way you asked.

    Last edited by FibbGann; 10-19-2003, 10:55 PM.
    Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


    • #3
      The Time Template can also specify the number of Days, Weeks, Months. Create User Defined intervals for D, W or M and set the # Bars you want to plot.
      For example here is a Time Template that will plot only 8 Daily bars and 13 Weekly bars.

      And here below is your Daily chart with 8 days only.


      • #4
        Thanks. It works. Can I lock candle's body width while changing the space between candles? With 8 bars on each chart, the default candle body width is very large. Although it can be adjusted, but once the candle space is changed, the body width goes back to default value, which is annoying.


        • #5
          You can't lock those settings but you can create a Style Template that sets the bar width and spacing to the defaults of your liking.
          Then when you change either one a simple click of the Reset button will re-establish the default settings.
          Hope this helps

