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Totalview Problems?

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  • Totalview Problems?

    Is this problem happening to anyone else?

    I think the upper DepthView window is accurate. But then in the lower quote window, the same color level encompasses more than one price. And, as I understand it, the lower quote window is what drives the depth meter, so multiple prices per color messes up the depth meter.

    The depth meter doesn't seem to 'see' the liquidity at 16.96.

    This pic was captured Monday, 27, the day before the FOMC meeting. Not only was it a slow day, but APCC itself was not very active. These views were holding unchanged for seconds at a time, a computer eternity, so data overload can not be the problem here.

    Is anyone else experiencing this, or do the folks at eSignal know what's happening here?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    2nd example

    Here's one where the offer side depth meter is inaccurate
    Attached Files


    • #3
      3rd example

      This is from last Friday. The bid side here shows the same problem as the others - more than one price banded by one color. But on the Ask side, there is two colors for one price.

      KLAC is a much faster stock than APCC, but my tick and interval charts keep up, so why not TotalView?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks for the report.

        I haven't been able to duplicate this yet after watching KLAC and APCC TotalView for about 5 minutes. Is this a sporatic thing? Does it seem to occur randomly or during a certain time of day or after certain actions are performed? Also, what version are you seeing this problem on?
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Hi Jay,

          I am using ver. 7.4 build 608.

          This does not happen following any action I have initiated, either within eSignal or elsewhere.

          I normally have the lower quote window hidden (covered by a chart) and just look at the depth meter. When I see a large price band of interest in the depth meter, then I'll look down to Depthview to see the corresponding price. That's when I notice the large, (say) green band in the depth meter does not match with a large green bid/ask size in depthview. More often than not, this mis-match is occuring. Is that how you looked at it today?

          I confess that my computer may be reaching its limits. Today KLAC was relatively active, and my CPU Usage graphic in XP Task Manager was often pegged at 100%, at which time my Totalview and Powerview froze completely for up to 5 -10 seconds.

          I assume there is no data conflict in viewing both TV and PV simultaneously for the same stock? Maybe you could try viewing them that way tomorrow to see if this situation occurs?

          But Friday and Monday were slower days, and my CPU usage hardly peaked at all, yet still this occurred. Maybe its viewing PV and TV together is the problem - both programs 'fighting' for the same data?

          No responses from anyone else having this problem.

          p.s. even though my email is correct in User CP, and I check the email notification box, and I subscribed to this thread, I never got an email advising of your response.???


          • #6
            I'll try to duplicate this today by running PV and TV windows side by side on the same symbol.

            Not sure on the email notification issue. Do you normally get other email notifications? If not, perhaps it is getting dropped by a spam filter of some kind (either at the ISP's end or locally.)
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              Hi Jay, This time the email notification did get thru.

              And Totalview with KLAC is doing the same again today, and I'm not at 100% CPU usage.

              I assume the depth meter should always show five colors each side (assuming the bar is within the window width)? Often I'll see only 2 or 3 colors.

              We'll see if your viewing both together makes a difference



              • #8
                There maybe a problem with your local install of eSignal, but before we try a complete uninstall and reinstall, I would suggest renaming default.emd file located in the main eSignal directory, and then launching all new Market Depth windows to replace the ones you have now.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #9
                  Hi Jay,

                  Your suggestion to delete the default.emd file seemed to work. The Totalview depthmeter colors were working as they should. Thanks.

                  Did I do it the hard way though, in case this happens again? Before deleting default.emd, I saved a copy of my preferred Powerview layout, say as PV1.emd, And I also saved it as my default layout (which I think is the default.emd file?). I assume default.emd governs both Powerview and Totalview?

                  I then deleted default.emd, as you suggested. But if I had then opened PV1.emd, and saved it as the default, would I have likely recopied the same glitch to the default file? And had the same glitch in PV2.emd and in a new Totalview?

                  Instead, I rebuilt my Powerview and Totalview layouts from scratch, which was a bit of work.

                  With them both working, I noticed something new. In Depthview, the Shown column reflects what is shown in the lower window. So in Powerview's Depthview, Shown is what's shown in Level 2. But in Totalview's Depthview, Shown is what is in the lower quote window, which should be be identical to the depthview Total column. So really, there is no need to view both the Shown and Total columns in Totalviews Depthview? Is that all correct?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by shaeffer
                    I assume default.emd governs both Powerview and Totalview?

                    I then deleted default.emd, as you suggested. But if I had then opened PV1.emd, and saved it as the default, would I have likely recopied the same glitch to the default file? And had the same glitch in PV2.emd and in a new Totalview?

                    Instead, I rebuilt my Powerview and Totalview layouts from scratch, which was a bit of work.

                    <snip> So really, there is no need to view both the Shown and Total columns in Totalviews Depthview? Is that all correct?
                    You are correct across the board. It is likely that the same defect would have been copied into other Style Templates if you would have edited the PV1 file and saved it as another file... even the default.emd. It was wise of you to recreate it from scratch.
                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

