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Level 2

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  • Level 2

    Is it possible to encorporate the Island and Arca ecn books into my level 2 display. At the moment I only get the best Island and best Arca bids/asks in my level 2, if I want to see any more Island or Arca information I have to click on them at the bottom of the level 2 screen.

  • #2
    A competitive company has a patent on the idea of commingling books. We're very interested in making this available to our users and have our legal department working to make it possible. While other vendors may be doing this already, our size as a data vendor makes us too large of a target for us to break the patent to make commingling available before we've taken care of the legal issues.

    Our new Market Depth window was designed with the idea of commingling, but the feature has not been turned on yet. The tabs at the bottom of the screen are currently activated by clicking on them which then brings the focus of the window to that tab. The original design was to make the tabs act as toggles so that any combination of tabs could be turned on or off and having multiple tabs turned on would give the user a commingled view.

    Going through legal issues with large companies such as the ones involved is time consuming and slow work. This is very high on our list and we're determined to work through the issues and make this available as soon as possible, but there isn't an ETA possible at this point. We'll be sure to make posts as soon as this is resolved.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      <sarcastic rant>Can't wait until my patent on the idea of placing stock and futures trades via the Internet comes through. I'm sure to get it. And don't forget the one I've got coming regarding using a bow knot to tie shoe laces.</sarcastic rant>


      • #4
        Others have consolidated price montages, including Townsend Analytics (RealTick) and other "large targets"; looking forward to the same soon in eSignal.

        I'm not a patent attorney, but the idea of organized price quotes appears sufficiently general, concerning an idea so obvious and inevitable, as to make a patent on that idea frivolous, and against the public interest even. I doubt it would pass the "unobvious" test; (For an invention to be patentable, the invention must be "unobvious" to "a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains"). Consolidating and organizing quotes into one montage is far from unobvious.

        In edit, re. topic:

        Last edited by Lancer; 11-14-2003, 09:19 PM.

