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Long candles tails again

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  • Long candles tails again

    I have posted a while ago and complaint about the abnormallly long candle tails Esignal creates.
    I have not had a sufficient answer yet. I attach a new chart here again. Look at the candle at 8:00 It has two shadows going up and down for almost 100 pips. And the rest of the candles does not look much better. I have the price filter enabled but it does not help
    Attached Files

  • #2

    These spikes are typically caused by a bank sending out an out of range bid, and since the Forex chart data is based on the bid price, then this would cause these spikes to occur on some cross rates. On GBPJPY I see BH and HFH causing many of the out of range bids. Price Filtering is your best bet to help with the long wicks, but keep in mind it only works on data loaded from the server (as opposed to data coming in real-time.) When a spike comes into the chart in real-time you will need to refresh the chart (Ctrl + click OK). Here's an example of the differences seen when Price Filtering is used, plus a look at the banks quoting out of range bids (BH @ 23:19:38).

    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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