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Multiple Monitors

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  • Multiple Monitors

    Does eSignal support multiple monitors?

  • #2
    Yes it does. I use ESignal slit between 2 monitors.


    • #3
      Yes, I am using 8 monitors. Very easy!

      This posting may be of use to you.


      Last edited by FibbGann; 12-04-2003, 05:59 AM.
      Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


      • #4
        Yes, it works well with multiple monitors.


        • #5
          I work with two PCs, Win 98, with two monitors each (one PCI, one AGP) and all my programs work well on both monitors except RealOne Player (and possibly other video players) and e-Signal : they will work only on the master screen (the screen on which Windows opens).

          Sorry for this negative comment.



          • #6
            I'm working with 3 machine in LAN : one has an array of 6 19" LCD monitors with 2 PNY Quadro4 NVS 400; the other with 3, 2 DVI 1 analogic on PHARELIA 128
            the third with other two. two machine are feeded by two different Feeder on two different HSDL. The third is not feeded.

            All is working perfectly on 2 win XP pro and 1 win 98
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7

              Have you tried using pop-out windows? They allow you to remove a window from eSignal, so you can move it to another screen without needing to strech eSignal across multiple monitors. More information about Pop-out Windows can be found in the What's New in 7.3 FAQs.
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8

                Make sure your "Window's" setting are set right.

                both monitor enabled (attached)?

                Video driver settings?

                Media players are known to only display in one window, but, esignal should have no problem at all.

                Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


                • #9
                  Originally posted by arnaud
                  I work with two PCs, Win 98, with two monitors each (one PCI, one AGP) and all my programs work well on both monitors except RealOne Player (and possibly other video players) and e-Signal : they will work only on the master screen (the screen on which Windows opens).

                  Sorry for this negative comment.


                  eSignal does work well with multiple monitors (I use 6). I have found that opening the program in one monitor, then using popouts (floating) windows (per Jay's response below) to fill your other monitor(s) works best to give maximim use of monitor space.

                  There are a few quirks I've found when doing this. If I have a chart in the eSignal program window maximized to fill that whole monitor, sometimes my hotkeys will not work in the floating windows. But after restoring that chart to normal size within the master eSignal monitor, the hotkeys then work again in the floating windows.

                  Or, I can not delete info from the Quote Area in Market Depth, while the MD window is floating, but after re-anchoring it to the master window, I can.

                  So, some small glitches, but 99% of the time eSignal is very compatible with multi monitors.

                  Also, you don't have to have the master eSignal window in the same monitor that windows opens in, if you don't want. Just move it to the other monitor, and use Save Layout.

                  With only two monitors, it may not be an issue for you, but if you set up hotkeys for your most common commands, you don't have to move from your 2nd monitor, back to the main menu in the master monitor, to initiate commands.

                  I have only one PC (with XP), so I don't know about using using eSignal with multiple PC's

                  Hope this helps


                  • #10
                    I'm having problems with esignal across three monitors. With esignal on either monitor 1 or 2 (which are on my dual head video card) there are no problems. If I have esignal across monitors 2 and 3 (using dual head agp card and single pci card) the third monitor will often freeze when I attempt to pan one of my charts on the third monitor. If I pan the charts on the second monitor there is no problem. I think the problem is that the video cards have different memory sizes. The dual head card has much more memory then the pci, so there is no problem panning on that card. Perhaps esignal attempts to use to much video memory on my pci card, causing freezes. Any thoughts on how I can work around this? Are there any settings I can change that control the depth of information in a chart. Perhaps having seperate operating system windows for each chart would cure this problem.


                    • #11

                      To my knowledge, there are no settings that can be adjusted to control the amount of chart info. I'm not a hardware expert, but if the display properties are accurately set for each monitor, then maybe the cards are not 100% compatible. The folks at the matrox website might be able to help you out with that. Wish I could offer more help.



                      • #12
                        arnaud, I have used an agp and pci cards and had no trouble with multimonitor with esignal using either monitor/card as primary or spread across both monitors in win98. You may need to check if you have the appropriate software requirements for both cards (some need a minimum version of directx for example). I have also found that there may exist conflicts between brands, or may need to tweak your choice of driver versions. Make sure that the pci card is in the correct or optimal slot for your motherboard. There can be conflicts with other software/drivers (I've heard Creative drivers can cause migraines and/or fits of extreme violence )
                        And yes I am very familiar with the issue of certain hardware and/or software running only on the primary or under only certain conditions on a non-primary. You may also need to tweak which card is treated as primary, or may need to tweak which card is used for which monitor. Multimonitor is great but obviously can be fraught with problems.

                        jiggleproof same thing for you


