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Neoticker Data Manager disconnects...

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  • Neoticker Data Manager disconnects...

    I am currently using Neoticker with eSignal as the data source. I also simultaneously run eSignal 7.5 (gold version just released).

    About an hour into the trading day, Neoticker begins to frequently disconnect from the Data Manager, but eSignal continues to run fine. Are there any issues to be aware of when running a third-party application while eSignal is also running? Anyone else having a similar experience?


  • #2
    As far as I know, running NeoTicker and eSignal at the same time should work ok as long as they are on the same PC. If they are on separate PCs, then that would be the reason for the disconnects as each eSignal account is limited to one concurrent connection. If they are on the same PC and the problem continues, I would suggest contacting our support department to troubleshoot this further.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      I'm not sure if this is related but i also notice occasional intermittent disconnects of Ensign software. I also run eSignal 7.4 charting at the same time on a fast 2.8Ghz/512MB @400mhz system and cable connection dedicated to trading. I can tell Ensign is experiencing momentary disconnects because it "thumps" upon connection/reconnection to the data manager.
      I also usually run the free version of ZoneAlarm firewall. After I shutdown the firewall the "thumping" went away. I have no idea why but everytime I shutdown the ZA Ensign doesn't experience disconnect issues. I'm not down on ZA at all ,I use it on all my computers and have for years but in this case it seems to be occasionally interfering.

      Last edited by brianb; 12-08-2003, 06:17 PM.

