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Esignal Stocks Basic package

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  • Esignal Stocks Basic package

    I have the 50 stocks only Esignal Basic package. So some of my questions may be the result of that..however I cant work out how to do the following.

    1) I am in New Zealand and my time Zone is 12+ hours ahead of New York, My $INDU chart starts at 3.30am to 9.00am, How does one adjust the chart to New York Time....9.30am till 4.00pm.

    2) Monday was a holiday, I see a one day blank space for the holiday, how does one make this continuous intraday 5 min bars.

    3) Do any of you use Esignal interactive trading platform with IB TWS software, if so is it any good, I heard it can HANG !

    Thx in Advance.

    Digs Down Under !

  • #2
    1. perhaps selecting a time template for east coast usa will do that.

    2. I do not think it is possible

    3. I have no problems with IB / eSignal integration (unlike CyberTrader integration). However these days I run on separate computers.


    • #3
      1) I don't believe eSignal can offset the time on the charts. If you want to display EST I think you need to switch the computer's clock to that TZ.
      2) There shouldn't be a blank space for Monday (as you can see in the attached 5 min chart) if you have set up the Time Templates to reflect the $INDU start/end times expressed in local time (ie yours).
      Attached Files
      Last edited by ACM; 01-25-2003, 05:27 AM.


      • #4
        The basic package is a crap, I have moved up to Advanced for $99 a month, thats hows one gets more money out of you !

        Thinngs are alot better now !



        • #5
          I know one guy in Europe who wanted to have ET times on his charts.

          He did what Alex proposed: change the time on his pc, including all settings concerning time-zone etc.


