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My charts seem slow to load on occasion. Why?

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  • My charts seem slow to load on occasion. Why?

    If you draw lines on your charts, that could be the reason. It's important to routinely clear them off as time passes. Here's why:

    It's not always intuitive for users to consider the impact of lines drawn "off the charts" yet they do impact performance since they are being processed even when not visible. Here's an excerpt from an FAQ on improving eSignal's performance:

    Line List
    The amount of lines added to your advanced charts can also cause your system to slow down or even freeze. As the file increases in size more system resources are needed to manage this file. This is why we've added the "Lines" list pop-up window. This gives customers the ability to manage their own lines, i.e. edit, delete and even be warned when you've reached a pre-selected number of lines. Removing lines that are not being used will most likely help the overall performance of eSignal.

    To access the Line List, simply right-click off an Advanced Chart and select Line Tools, then Line List or via the Lines command on the main menu.

    Here's a link to the entire FAQ.

    Btw, our programmers are looking at ways to reduce the impact of these lines in future versions.


  • #2
    I posed a question on lines in another thread Do you have any idea what the programmers are looking at and how soon a 'fix' will be available?


    • #3
      There's really nothing to "fix" per se but the design could be altered to improve CPU and RAM performance. It's something being looked at but we have no definitive date as of yet. Our Engineers make changes in each version so you'll hopefully see improved performance each time you upgrade.



      • #4
        slow charts

        I get slow charts all the time and Esignal always blames my pc, connection, or something else...


        • #5
          Hi Aerbis,

          When a customer reports a problem, one of the first things we try to determine is whether the problem is impacting other users or appears somewhat isolated. With well over 50,000 users, when we have a system-wide problem ( like slow data, missing data, sluggish performance, etc ) we hear about it via a number of channels ( email, LiveRep sessions, Call Center, this forum, etc).

          If we aren't getting confirmation that the problem is impacting other people, we have little choice but to start isolating what variables may be causing the problem for a particular user. We're not looking to put "blame" anywhere; we're trying to solve the puzzle. Between different PC specs, different operating systems, different layouts, differing connections, etc. there's literally hundreds of variables involved.

          If you need further help trying to resolve the problem of slow charts, please let us know and we'll help wherever we can. As previously noted, we put this FAQ together based on the solutions that have worked for other users. If we do determine the problem is on our end, we'll work internally to resolve it ASAP.



          • #6
            Confirming slow retrieval of charts and TOS

            I also experience the same problem when retrieving stocks in chart and TOS. The mssg is requesting info..., the chart loaded first then indicators follows. The delay is about few seconds which unacceptable for daytraders. WIth AT financial, everything is instantly. My MIS support told me that once they installed the server for esignal this will solve the problem (as currently the server is hosting AT data). I am not sure that this will solve the problem if it is inherent in the programming. Could somebody confirm this.


            • #7

              Based on your post, it sounds like you're one of our corporate clients, and that we are working towards installing an Office Server for your network. This should speed things up a good amount as the Office Server will cache often accessed symbols for faster historical data access. It sounds to me that the current delays you are seeing is from waiting for the data to come through the internet, but without knowing more details about your layout and computer specs it's difficult to say for certain. All in all though, once that Office Server is installed, you should see improvement.
              Jay F.
              eSignal Community Support
              Need an answer?
              Over 1300 Searchable FAQ's are available here.

              P.S. The eSignal Office Server is for medium to large corporate clients only, and not for individual use
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

