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multiple LINKs with multiple windows ???

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  • multiple LINKs with multiple windows ???


    I am having a problem trying to LINK windows.

    I have a few seperate quotes windows.

    I am trying to link each quote window to different sets of adv. chart windows.

    For example, I have a quote window with market indicies and have that linked to a set of 8 adv. chart windows.

    Now, I want to link my futures contracts quote window with another set of 8 adv. chart windows.

    Then, I have another quote window for stocks and want to link that to another set of 8 adv. windows.

    And so on.......

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you...PC

  • #2
    Re: Reply to post 'multiple LINKs with multiple windows ???'

    That is not possible as of now.
    FWIW other users have requested an enhancement to the links that would allow
    for that functionality.


    • #3
      linking multiple windows

      This is a feature we are thinking of adding soon. Now that 7.2 is gold we will start letting users know about the new releases coming shortly. We are also thinking of letting the windows float outside the eSignal program frame. This would be a nice feature for users with multiple monitors.
      Last edited by Chuck; 01-29-2003, 06:39 AM.


      • #4
        What you can do is this (if you do this on one computer):

        You can open several instances of eSignal, just start the application once again.

        Then in each eSignal application window, make a different layout. Eg your futures quote window in one, and stocks quote window in another etc etc etc.

        Good luck,



        • #5
          Floating Windows - YES!

          Chuck said a few messages ago "We are also thinking of letting the windows float outside the eSignal program frame"

          I hope this has a high priority. As a potential newbie user of eSignal (with four monitors), this has been my biggest disappointment with eSignal - that any chart window is limited to within the boundaries of the eSignal frame.

          As an example, with my previous charting software, I could lay out nine small charts within one monitor. Then when I wanted to see one of these charts in detail, I could simply expand it to fill one monitor. With this locked-within-the-frame limitation, if I expand a chart, it fills all four monitors.

          Another example is my preference to locate a stock chart, its associated index, and the Level 2 window surrounding my (independant) trade execution window. With this locked-within-the-frame design, my trading window gets hidden by the frame, whenever I click on an eSignal chart.

          Also, floating windows should eliminate the wasted monitor space (relatively empty menu bars) resulting when the frame is stretched across multi-monitors.

          As I said, I'm new to eSignal, so maybe there are other solutions to my issues above. Otherwise, do many others have this same issue? Is there an estimate as to when the floating windows concept might become reality?


          • #6
            We're testing this feature now. In the next few weeks we hope to put this out in beta/testing. When we do, we'll let you know.

            In the meantime, here's a sample screenshot. Dion could probably do much better justice to this feature in a screenshot of his own (hint hint) ))

            Matt Gundersen


            • #7
              Oh alright =). Here's another sneak peak at the upcoming floating window feature. The windows on the left are floating outside the eSignal frame, the ones on the right are inside the eSignal frame.

              An icon will be added to the titlebar of each window to allow you to float/dock windows easily.


              • #8
                Exapnd Indicator Window within Chart Frame?

                I'm happy to see that floating windows are soon to be! Thanks for the replies and examples.

                Maybe I'll push my luck with a further window wish. I am a fan of divergences, ideally occurring simultaneously between price and each of MACD, Stochastics and RSI. In order to see these simultaneous divergences developing, these 3 indicators must all be visible (Tiled vs Stacked). My price window takes up almost half the chart window, the indicators the other half.This results in relatively narrow windows for each indicator, as I also view volume and DMI.

                So the wish is that I could double click on any one indicator window, and it would expand into the overall area of all the indicator windows combined. Then price and just the single indicator would be visible (like in Stack view). A 2nd double-click would return the indicator its smaller size window. In this way, an indicator divergence could very quickly be confirmed. Three pairs of double clicks, and I could check my three divergence indicators in seconds.

                The downside to simply leaving the chart indicators in stack view is the need to step thru them to see in which one the first sign of a divergence is developing, although that may be workable - I'll see

                Anyway, there's my wish, if there's any chance....?


                • #9
                  Multiple 7.2's Open

                  Further to Edo's suggestion (below), I tried opening 7.2 three times together (one each in a separate monitor), and it seemed to work. I've yet to try opening a fourth 7.2, in my 4th monitor.

                  Before I do, and spend the time finalising the respective layouts, for each monitor, can you confirm that 7.2 is designed to work this way?

                  Is there a maximum number of windows that can be opened, either in any one open 7.2, or in four open 7.2's combined? (I have an 800Mhz P3 with 512 MB ram, and DSL - so far no problem). But is there a limit to the # of windows that can be opened?

