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weird scaling

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  • weird scaling

    After I installed 7.6 version scaling on euro chart is weird.(6E) I need to tell that I changed for euro from I5 to I4. It was working in 7.5 just fine. Also I changed ER2 and that is also fine in both version. It simply scaled like 101,106,111,116...

    Attached Files

  • #2
    FWIW I am not seeing the problem at my end using the same version and build


    • #3
      Mine is messed up too

      I started another thread below about this problem earlier....I mentioned the S+P specifically but many of my charts are not correct...below is my screenshot of the euro.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Yes. It is pretty weird... I just dowloaded 7.5 again and will not upgrade anytime soon. I will wait until they will run out of 6 releases in 18 months megalomania. Hopefully then esignal will start to be obsess with quality and there will be 5 groups of Q&A people to deliver good stable product, not this halfwork always. It looks like typical us fast growing company - just make a lot of noise, bad quality product and be so nice in the eyes of shareholder. Who cares about customers....


        • #5
          7.6 scaling problem

          I've got the problem too. All my 6E #F charts show numbers ending in 12 instead of 00. e.g. 124612 instead of 124600. When I expand the scale I get 124612 and 124662 instead of 124600 and 124650. Doesn't matter whether it's a 3 minute, an 89t or a T chart but my Market Profile chart is fine. Definitely a common 7.6 problem. Please alert the Development Team and ask them to advise us by when they expect it to be fixed. If in the next day or so, I'll hold off going back to 7.5.

          Bob A.
          Last edited by Bob A.; 03-01-2004, 02:12 PM.


          • #6
            How'd you get 7.5 back?

            Just wondering how you downloaded 7.5 again? I wanted to do this as well but couldn't find it on the web site. Is there a link you could post or was it not from the website? Thanks!


            • #7


              • #8

                Thanks, funny I had tried that link myself and it didn't work the first time. Got 7.5 back and everything is back to normal in chart and quote land. I was also having news issues as well....looks like they need to go back to the drawing board with 7.6. I'd hate to be someone who is technically challenged trying to figure out what was wrong as the "live" tech support wasn't able to fix what seems to be a software problem.

