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Floating window and remove indicator command

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  • Floating window and remove indicator command

    when I rt click on a floating window in 7.5 version and choose remove an indicator it would show indicator from main window and would delete only those, in order to remove ind from a floating window I will have to select main window chart first and than select floating window chart than it would list the correct indicators and let me remove them. Anybody else has this problem or its just me or a software bug.

    7.6 version brings it own bugs and I really dont want to install that release until fixed.

  • #2
    The disappearing of the bottom portion (remove/reload) of the right-click popup menu is not new to 7.6. I discovered recently that by not using certain charts that this problem goes away. The set causing the problem on my machine was PNF. Whether PNF is the problem or just those charts I don't know. However, I found that by not loading these my problem went away. Some efs scripts cause problems also. For instance, one wiped out my X axis. You will need to experiment to find out what exactly is causing the problems on your machine. Also take a look at the number of lines you have on each chart (line tools / line list). Get rid of anything you don't absolutely need. Several versions ago I was having problems with some charts. Found that getting rid of all eSignal on my machine and starting fresh made a big difference. Rebuilding all of my charts and layouts was a pain, but worth it. You shouldn't have to go to those extremes. But you may find that a particular chart is causing all of the problems. Getting rid of it and creating in anew can make a big difference. Hope this is of some help.

