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Trouble with XXX=N synbols

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  • Trouble with XXX=N synbols

    Seems we have a problem with 7.5 linked charts when our symbol is NYSE only.

    I have a 1min, 5min, 15min, tick, and 2 dailys up. I have them all symbol linked. When I type XXX=N into any of the minute or tick charts, all the other min period chart symbols come up XXX instead of XXX=N. I know the dailys don't support XXX=N ( they should) but I expect the linked min periods to maintain XXX=N and not XXX.

    If I remove the daily charts from the layout, then the charts all maintain the XXX=N symbol.

    I hope this gets fixed quicker than the other XXX=N problem. (the single letter X=N problem).


  • #2
    Hi Tony,

    I've replicated what you see and will report to QA for further analysis. They'll add to the bug list for the engineers to correct.

    Thanks for reporting this to us.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


    • #3
      BIg headache with XXX=N

      1.If you put XXX=N on times and sales window,the previous transactions will show only price and size missing the bid, ask, bidsize and ask size.

      2.Is there a way to set the default stock name for listed to be =N globally?. I have a filter that has a list of 900 listed stocks using XXX=N on its list of symbols. When I type IBM, Esignal will add another count inspite of IBM=N is already in the list. Soon, my 1000 symbol list is reached.

      3.And then I have to manually reset the database of symbols. If I have to do this every so often (I am using filter and need to check out the chart of stocks in the filter before executing trade), it will be very cumbersome. Is there a way to reset the database of symbols automatically?

      Esignal also counts stock that I once typed eventhough I then changed to different stocks and not viewing that stock anymore.

      4. Would placing stocks in the database actually make the stocks faster for retrievals (since they are possibly stored in cache)?

      Thanks for any information on the above issues

