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Why loading 60min intraday charts is so slow

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  • Why loading 60min intraday charts is so slow

    It is slow to load intraday advanced charts when the interval is set to 60min. I reported this problem about one year ago. It is disappointing to see that after several major releases, this problem still exists. I think there is something wrong in the esignal design. Can someone from esignal development team explain why loading a 60min chart takes much longer time than a 5min or 1min chart? Does esignal need to regenrate 60min OHLC data from tick data or 1s data set on demand? If so, is it possible to improve the algorithm efficiency (i.e. using faster algorithm to find out the highest/lowest price from all tick data within a specific hour? ) Thanks.

    -- Clearpicks

  • #2
    Hi Clearpicks,

    This is gonna be a tough one to crack. Reason being is this doesn't happen to everyone. I tried this several times through out the day and didn't experience abnormal times in bringing up a 60 minute chart.

    I know we've gone through this before, but want to reiterate for new viewers. Take into consideration the following factors when evaluating the loading of charts; amount of indicators applied, amount of custom formulas applied, complexity of the formula's calculations, amount of other charts and windows within eSignal open, amount of other programs running concurrently w/eSignal, and also amount of symbols opened in various quote sheets, chart windows, what time of the trading day are you loading (i.e. market open, Fed announcement), etc.

    How long is it currently taking you to load a 60 min chart?



    • #3

      Are there a lot of lines on the chart? these can slow things down.

      If you dont hink there are a lot of lines, just clear then with Lines, Remove, All for this symbol.


      • #4
        FWIW I have always noticed 60 minute charts load slower than any other time frame regardless of the symbol or time template. Not a major pain but it's noticeable.


        • #5
          I have also experienced very slow loading on 60min charts as well, it is very noticable for all instrument types.



          • #6
            No. There is no lines on the charts.

            -- Clearpicks

            Originally posted by dloomis

            Are there a lot of lines on the chart? these can slow things down.

            If you dont hink there are a lot of lines, just clear then with Lines, Remove, All for this symbol.


            • #7
              You may want to try the following to make sure you are comparing the load times for the same amount of data.
              - Create a new Time Template and set the Intraday Default to (for example) 5 days and RTH for the symbols you normally use.
              - Create two new Advanced Charts and assign the new Time Template to both. Set one chart to 1 minute interval and the other to 60 minutes. Also set the Symbol linking to be the same on both.
              - In either chart type a symbol you have not previously loaded and compare the time it takes for each chart to return OK in the server status box of the Cursor Window.
              At my end it takes less than a couple of seconds to fill both charts and the 60 minute usually returns OK before the 1 minute.
              If the same happens at your end then it could be that your other Time Templates are set to load a much larger number of days/bars for the 60 minute interval which would cause longer load times.


              • #8

                I created a template which displays 10 day data on both 1min and 60min charts and the two charts are linked as you said. The loading time of 60min chart is still significantly longer than the 1min chart if there is no data buffered at local data manager (you may try a symbol which is never displayed in esignal after you start the data manager). Since under this time template, the number of bars on 60 min charts is much less than 1min charts, I think that the 60min data set is regenerated locally from 1min charts or even tick data set, otherwise it is hard to explain why retrieving 7bars/day x10 days=70 bar data from the server is significantly slower than retrieving 390bars/day x 10 days = 3900 bar data unless something is wrong either on the server side or the data manager sider. Once a symbol is displayed in a 60 chart, it may be reloaded faster than the 1min chart (since no data retriving and regenerating is involved). Hope some esignal developers read this thread and take a look at the code to check what is wrong in esignal.

                -- Clearpick

                Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
                You may want to try the following to make sure you are comparing the load times for the same amount of data.
                - Create a new Time Template and set the Intraday Default to (for example) 5 days and RTH for the symbols you normally use.
                - Create two new Advanced Charts and assign the new Time Template to both. Set one chart to 1 minute interval and the other to 60 minutes. Also set the Symbol linking to be the same on both.
                - In either chart type a symbol you have not previously loaded and compare the time it takes for each chart to return OK in the server status box of the Cursor Window.
                At my end it takes less than a couple of seconds to fill both charts and the 60 minute usually returns OK before the 1 minute.
                If the same happens at your end then it could be that your other Time Templates are set to load a much larger number of days/bars for the 60 minute interval which would cause longer load times.


                • #9

                  I went ahead and performed the same test with unbuffered data. I set up 5 day linked charts on a machine with 7.5 installed and 50 day charts on a machine where I just upgraded to 7.6. I set them up on my machine as Alex and you discussed.

                  Here is a link to my file share area where I uploaded both 50 day 7.6 advanced charts. You may have to re-link if you download.

                  If you would like, upload two that you have put together to the same folder. I get notified automatically if you upload. I will check them out.

                  added in edit forgot to say what happened with my test results: both of mine loaded in the same time frame. I had just upgraded my cable modem to 3.8 Meg download, 384K upload, in both cases, they updated very quickly and finished at the same time



                  Last edited by Guest; 03-16-2004, 06:48 PM.


                  • #10
                    Steve, thx for creating those files...

                    Here is what I saw when I typed in EMC, the one minute chart populated the chart first, but both charts stopped Receiving... at the same time.

                    In other words, both charts took the same amount of time to d/l 50 days of data.


                    • #11
                      I'am having the same dreaded 60min advanced chart slow down problem. It drives me crazy having to wait so long for the data to load.

                      Please help me fix this problem.



                      • #12
                        I had esignal for a year and 1/2 and 60 M charts are always the last to load. I mentioned it many times and they said its me. I even tried it in 3 locations across the US - (TX-LA-FL) and I still get the same results on superfast PC's and Internet connections. The last reason I got from esignal was my route sucked. Every day when I start esignal on 4 monitors I have to wait for several minutes for the 60 M charts to load and there always last.


                        • #13
                          FWIW, if you can download the advanced charts and run them, it may provide some insight why you are having a problem. For example, if you download what I posted, ensure they are linked and change the symbol to one you never use, and they load at the same rate, that would tell me there may be a problem with the efs's you are running.

                          Conversly, if they are different, maybe there is a problem with your load or winsig.

                          I have had similar issues where advanced charts never even loaded without having to refresh several times. I was able to figure out the problem in a similar manner. (conflict in time template)

                          Regardless of how it works out, it will provide more insight than you have now.


                          • #14
                            I tried out the charts by Steve but showed me the same issue which I experience with my own linked charts all the time, 60min & longer intraday takes a lot longer to load than shorter intraday timeframes such as 1min, 5min etc... & non intraday timeframes such as daily etc.. by a factor of 5-10:1.

                            The only way to improve this is that you manipulate the time templates to load less data for 60min and longer than any other timeframes. This is a crazy solution but the only way to live with the issue right now. You can get a very noticable boost so that the lag time may come down to only 2-3:1 slower. My own feeling is the computational algorithms to produce the longer intraday timeframes must be more consuming for esignal code, if this is just natural or an unnecessary issue I have no idea.



                            • #15
                              Did any one else see these same effects I reported recently...

                              Steve, thx for creating those files...

                              Here is what I saw when I typed in EMC, the one minute chart populated the chart first, but both charts stopped Receiving (as shown in the Cursor Window Status area)... at the same time.

                              In other words, both charts took the same amount of time to d/l 50 days of data.

                              The 1 min appeared to poulate first because the bars filled, but to get the full 60 days required the same amount of time for 1 min bars as 60 minute bars

                              David Loomis

