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Can I do this ..... two sessions running

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  • Can I do this ..... two sessions running

    I have esignal installed on one computer, with 500 symbols deal,

    Can I have TWO sessions running of esignal.

    This will allow me to have two layouts to view, by flicking btw taskbar icons.

    I have seen the esignal page setup and it does not suit me...

    can i do this ???

  • #2
    Hi Digs,

    Yes you can, but it can get resource intensive. You will be running 2 instances of winsig.exe and each one of them can run at least 80 mb depending on how many windows you have currently open per application. You may want to check the system requirements for a Power User at





    • #3
      It may be doable, but I am pretty sure it isn't supported... meaning any issues you run into then you are all on you own.



      • #4
        I setup two sessions, the esignal manager shows two users, I have one session for daytrading the other for daily and 15 min charts for price alerts..

        My system is

        1000 mb ram
        2.7 GHZ CPU
        40 gig free hd
        Win 2000

        So i hope I will be ok during realtime running...will post results


        • #5
          Hi Digs,

          Since the DM was designed to supply data to the eSignal app and 3p software at the same time, two instances of eSignal also can work together. As Garth alluded to, it's not a supported set-up since eSignal only has one default file structure. i.e. have to be careful what you're saving or not saving in the various layouts. There also could be CPU resource issues I suppose but there's really nothing preventing you from trying it and going this route each day.



          • #6
            Two eSignals

            Digs --

            I run it all the time... Two esignals hasn't been a problem.

            I have about 40 charts running @ all times. I use the seperate esignal sessions in case one 'crashes' and because while e-signal layouts are nice, I find I'd rather just open multiple e-signal sessions w/ different layouts because when they crash, I don't like to re-lay out my virtual monitor spaces / hot keys.

            Anyhow, it hasn't been a problem.

            My machine is less than yours:
            40GB, 15 free
            direcWay satellite feed



            • #7
              btw: Checkout a 'virtual screen manager'. I run a pretty solid one called just that...

              Here's a link:

              I tried the multiple monitors approach and didn't find a real advantage. But, being able to keep various projects segregated is very helpful. And, I can make my main indicators 'sticky' so when I'm researching something on another page, the screen manager puts a floating window on any virtual screen I'm on.




              • #8
                Multiple instances

                I use a dual opteron 248 and one ATI AIW 9600 and an ATI VE card and use their virtual desktop solution with no probs. have 3 instances loaded

