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Winsig Crashing/Options Chains not working EOD

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  • Winsig Crashing/Options Chains not working EOD

    Data Manager in 7.6 crashes everytime. My debugger tracked it down to the following instruction
    5F490453 mov dword ptr [esi+4],edi
    in Mfc42.dll. The instruction is commiting an access violation at address 4 because both the esi and edi registers are 0.

    Can I get all of my money back? I have not been able to run eSignal reliably using 7.4, and 7.6 made it even worse. To tell you the truth, I don't think that your product has been tested on any PC that even comes close to running at, or above 3 GHz. Furthermore, I brought this issue up to eSignal over 5 months ago and never got any support.

  • #2
    Option Chains not working in 7.6 EOD

    I payed for eSignal EOD which automatically includes, and which you cannot opt out of, Options: OPRA (U.S.). I can't even get option chains on stock symbols that I know have options. What is the problem here??? I am very frustrated with you support, or lack thereof, and with the general quality of eSignal's software. To tell you the truth, I am a software engineer and I find the quality of your software to be extremely mediocre considering the prices you are charging.

    BTW, I am posting this here since support is apparently ignoring me.


    • #3

      We have not seen many reports of crashing so we're definitely interested in understanding why you are seeing so many. Few questions:

      Are you seeing the message that a crash report is being generated and sent? If so, that message goes to a special folder engineering reviews periodically. It does not get sent to Support. If you have been seeing those reports be generated, we can have engineering take a look. Please pm with your eSignal username.

      What specific version of 7.6 are you running? We recently loaded a 3rd revision so please download that version and see if it makes a difference.

      When specifically does a crash occur? While closing or opening the app, entering new symbols in a specific window, navigating, just randomly, etc.

      What other applications are you running while you use eSignal? Have you ever experimented with running eSignal alone? Perhaps the problem is a compatibility issue and not nec. inherent to just eSignal.



      • #4
        Hi again,

        As mentioned in the other thread you started, please PM your username so we can take a look at your account. We'll do some experimenting with option chains on an EOD account on Monday and see what we find.

        When you say Support is "ignoring" you, could you please explain? Are your emails going unanswered, are you waiting for a phone call back, etc. Customers have a host of ways to contact Service and Support (phone, email, LiveRep, Bulletin Boards, weekly WebEx classes, scheduled chats, etc ) so we usually don't hear about customers feeling "ignored". We are here to help.



        • #5

          User Name is mcubillas.

          I am feeling ignored because my EMAILS have not been answered and my reports, I think, have been critical. I called support about 5 months ago to describe the Data Manager crashing problem and they never called back with a solution.

          I can run the Data Manager by itelf with no problem. If I then startup the eSignal application, even with no charts or quote screens open, just a blank screen, I get a message telling me that Data Manager has encountered a problem and needs to shutdown (the only error reporting mentioned is for Microsoft). Data Manager will shutdown and the eSignal application remains open, and I have access to historical data for charting, but no quotes. I used to run 7.4 about 9 times before it would not crash and everything worked as expected. Its seems that this problem is much worse with 7.6 (build 635), which I just installed a few days ago. However, if I get past this point I do not experience any crashes, but now I can't get option chains.

          I also get exactly the same results if I run the eSignal application first and let it launch the Data Manager.

          The fact that it always crashes at the same spot in the code (snap shot of it in my previous posts) in Mfc42.dll should be very helpful to the engineers.



          • #6
            I have already tried running eSignal with no other applications open and it makes no difference.

            I replied with all the information you requsted in my other reply.

            I am running a Pentium 4 at 3.06 GHz with 1.00 GB of RAM. I have a cable internet connection and my hardware firewall has all of the eSignal TCP ports opened up for outbound traffic.


            • #7
              One more thing. I also installed your latest service pack for the new server farms (as per the mass EMAILING) before upgrading from 7.4 to 7.6 EOD.


              • #8

                Thanks for the additional information. I can't imagine why you aren't getting email responses from us but I will certainly look into it on Monday. Just in case something is happening to your inbound emails ( i.e. being blocked by our spam filtering ), please use our Tech Support and Customer Service email forms on our Contact Us page. The forms contain special coding so our filtering always considers the sender valid. There's also a link at the bottom of the page to email the Service Management team directly in the event you feel a problem is dragging on un-resolved.

                As I indicated, those crash reports are used purely from a development standpoint to spot trends. They aren't looked at individually unless prompted to. I'll make sure we try to make that clearer on the message itself and we'll have engineering review the crash report inbox and look for the reports from your PC.

                BTW, I've merged your two threads together since information regarding the crashing was in the EOD option chain one. Want to make sure we get you the assistance you need.

                We'll get back to you again on Monday.



                • #9

                  One more piece of info: I'm using Windows XP, 2002, Service Pack 1


                  • #10
                    Installed lastest release of 7.6

                    I just installed and tried out the latest release: 7.6(Build 636A) 03/29/2004. I had build 635 prior to this.

                    I have exactly the same problems as before.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the update. I'll be back in touch tomorrow.



                      • #12

                        We are getting no where with this. I got an EMAIL from Heather pointing me to this FAQ ( about Mfc42.dll. Look at my results & response down below.

                        I also installed eSignal on a borrowed laptop that I connected to the same firewalled router in my home office that connects my main PC to the internet. It (eSignal) works and the Mfc42.dll in \Windows\System32 is the same version as on my main PC, version 6.0.8665.0, so it too has not been replaced by the eSignal Mfc42.dll which is version 6.0.8447.0. However, I still don't get Option Chains on the laptop. The difference between the laptop and my main PC are as follows:

                        LAPTOP MAIN-PC
                        Windows Xp Home Windows Xp Pro
                        2.66 GHz Processor 3.06 GHz Processor
                        512 MB RAM 1 GB RAM

                        THESE ARE MY RESULTS:
                        I read your FAQ and it appears to have errors and missing information.

                        For one, MFC42.dll does not reside in the \Windows\System directory, it
                        resides in the \Windows\System32 directory and is dated 8/29/2002 on my PC.
                        Second, MFC42.dll also resides in the C:\Program Files\eSignal directory,
                        along with WinSig.exe (eSignal), and is dated 4/26/1999. So the original
                        version of MFC42.dll on my PC is more recent than the one provided by
                        eSignal! Why would I want to replace it with a version that is more than 3
                        years older!

                        Moreover, being a s/w engineer myself, I know that WinSig.exe will look for
                        the MFC42.dll in it's own, or current directory, before looking for it else
                        where. So, it still appears that the MFC42.dll provided by eSignal is at


                        • #13
                          Please check your PM's here. I sent you a PM several hours ago and I've since discussed the situation with Heather. I haven't looked into the Options chain issue yet as clearly the crashing problem is the top priority to fix. Let's get that one resolved ASAP if we can.



                          • #14

                            They finally got my option chains working by changing the server's IP address in the Data Manager to CM*.esignal.Com.

                            However, everything else they have asked me to do, like the what follows down below, has failed to stop the Data Manager from crashing 19 out of 20 times. The MFC42.DLL installed by eSignal is still dated 4/26/1999 which is more than 3 years older than what is provided by Windows Xp Pro 2002.

                            1) Close eSignal & Data Manager
                            2) Use the Search function in Windows and look for the following files:
                            - WINROS.INI
                            - WINSIG.INI
                            - READER.INI
                            Delete all files found
                            3) Re-install eSignal
                            * You will need to re-enter your user information during the installation

                            When you install the latest version of eSignal it will install the lastest version of "MFC42.DLL" we use for our software.



                            • #15
                              Did you get a chance to run those instructions sent to you via PM last week?


