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Charts not updating

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  • Charts not updating

    A few weeks ago I had a problem where several of my charts and quote window wouldn't update in real time (had to ctrl-OK to update). Support told me to delete winros.sdb. I found that I had to delete that file prior to starting esignal every time. After 6-8 attempts it seemed ok (that is didn't have to keep deleting). Now the problem is back.

    What is causing this and how can I stop it? Thanks for all replies.

  • #2

    Can you try upgrading to build 636a? This may solve the issue you are reporting. Be sure to exit eSignal completely (including the Data Manager) before beginning an upgrade.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      Hi Coolmoss,

      I'm not sure what kind of hardware setup you are running, but you may want to review the following
      FAQ as a starting point to help isolate any issues that could cause this sort of performance. BTW, are you getting any Windows error messages to speak of? Hope this helps.


      • #4
        Thank you both. I'll install the newer version and look at my current box. Maybe I'm doing too much stuff with it. It's not old, but's it's the the latest and greatest either.

        To tell the truth, I've had too many unexplained instances of various app's "not responding" and having to close via task manager. Perhaps it's time to dedicate a single box to esignal and capflow.


        • #5
          OK, I installed latest build, removed all processes I could and restarted esignal. It was ok yesterday afternoon and evening. This morning, without a restart, once again several charts are not updating. Seems like the prob is getting worse.


          • #6
            Hi Coolmoss,

            Are any of the other Windows based programs behaving strangely on your system? As we are looking to remove as many of the variables as possible, it would interesting to see if other programs are reacting to a system wide issue or a software specific issue. Are you receiving any error messages from windows? Any additional info you could provide would help isolate what is happening behind the scenes. Please let us know. Thanks.


            • #7

              No error messages. I do occaisionally have an application that doesn't respond and have to shut it down via task manager. This has been going on a long time and hasn't been a problem other than annoyance.

              The esignal windows that are not updating are always the same ones. They include an advanced chart, a market profile chart, and a quote window.

              Just for the heck of it I tried restarting esignal (without deleting winros.sdb) and now it seems to be working again.

              The layout I'm using isn't really intense: 9 windows total over 3 monitors. About a dozen symbols.

              One other guess: I recently intalled the .NET 1.1 framework. It hasn't been a problem except all the titles for my desktop icons now have a shaded box which looks terrible and drives me nuts.


              • #8
                Hi Coolmoss,

                Thanks for getting back. One thing that came to mind was a possible corruption of the three layouts (chart windows) that are being difficult. It doesn't sound like the overall cumulation of the open windows within eSignal are out of line. I run with six advanced chart windows, three quote windows, a portfolio window and a interval tabular window. I would start by re-creating the three windows that are being problematic, even saving them under a different layout file name and see if the problem still occurs. Please let me know if that resolves the issue.


                • #9

                  Tried completely new charts with new file names. Same problems, only worse. Now, I can open a new file and it works for a while, then stops working, all in the same session. If I reload the data it will sometimes work, sometimes not.

                  Also, when I tried to remove the winros.sdb file prior to startup this am, it was not found.

                  Gotta admit guys, this is the most frustrated I've ever been with the software. At this point it's pretty much unusable. Seems kinda foolish for me to continue paying when it isn't working. Maybe a call by senior support might be warranted in this situation.


                  Bob H.


                  • #10
                    Hi Bob,

                    I have sent you a PM requesting some additional information to help get this resolved. Thanks.


                    • #11

                      I was supposed to get a call from John this am at 9:00. Never got a call. I"m very angry.

