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File Sharing

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  • File Sharing

    Would someone be able to tell me if File Sharing is currently working? I am getting nothing at the moment like its down. TIA

  • #2
    Me too. Can't connect from home. I'll notify our NetOps team.



    • #3
      Thanks scott,
      Another issue I seem to be having is that the upload button on my browser when opened outside of esignal's program is not functioning. I read that esig has updated security by march end of month , and was wondering if anyone could shed light on what I might need to change for this button to work again. If i load browser inside of esig program the button does work. I can't understand why it would work one place and not the other.


      • #4
        Hi Michele,

        As a general rule, it's always a good idea to run our latest version. If you haven't upgraded, I'd definitely do that. In terms of the problem you describe, I'm not sure I understand it exactly. Can you post a picture and highlight this "upload" button?



        • #5
          Hi Scott,
          It appears to be a cookie issue here on my end, I will work it out sooner or later , thanks again.


          • #6
            Is there a way esignal from their end can help me get back viewing my own group whom I am a administrator of , but states that my membership is pending? I am unable to view the settings and even tho I am admin of the group it is stating there are no members? It also says I had applied for membership but I have gotten no email to that fact.

            I realize I can just delete the group and start over, but I would rather not if I didn't have to.



            • #7

              If you can tell us which File Share group you are referring to, we'll see what we can do from the back-end for you.



              • #8
                It is Enliten1, settings i believe must be all restricted if I click on edit I show no settings at all it just brings me bak to group listing page, and on viewing the group here it is only saying membership pending with no settings button showing, yet it also says admin at top rite. No information is showing here at all.



                • #9
                  File Share Group Listings by date

                  Is there anywhere in file share you have current list of group names by date? Also a user name only list without emails would be nice by date too or does this exist somewhere already?

                  In one yrs time here I see how much the groups have grown and the user count, is there any possiblity of increasing the the number of editors picks, most active files etc etc page to reflect the growing number of users and groups?


                  • #10
                    Presently I am unable to access file sharing....

                    is it down?


                    • #11
                      Hi Enlighten,

                      Yes, we are having an issue with FileSharing. The engineering folks are looking at it. I'll reply with more information as soon as I get an update on the status.


                      • #12
                        Hi Michele,

                        FileShare is back up. Everyone should be able to upload images to their postings and view all historical images. Thanks.

