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Sloooooow load on stocks with large num of trades.

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  • Sloooooow load on stocks with large num of trades.

    I have 1 market depth, 1 time & sales, and 1 intraday chart linked in an Esignal page.

    When calling up stocks that have a large number of trades for the day, the load time is verrrrrry slow. Stocks without a large number of trades load fine.

    I am on a fast broadband line with no other problems.

    Are there any options I can set to speed up the loading of the market depth, t&s, and intradyay chart when changing symbols to stocks such as TASR, QQQ, etc?

  • #2
    Are you loading tick charts of some sort? What happens if you set the interval to 1 minute? Is it slow all the time or just when the market is busy? Does the chart fill-in at the same time as T&S?

    Please post your system specs as well.

    Perhaps you can post your layout to File Share and we can download it and compare.



    • #3
      Hi Scott, How have you been?

      I recently created a Page that was very slow to load. Perhaps if I describe it you will learn something about the issue.

      I turned on the scroll bars. My intent was to have '6 screens' of charts, arranged in a 2x3 arrangement

      The main page was in the upper left corner, a second chart was one screen down, another two screens down. I imtened on accessing the chart panes by using the scroll pars.

      Along side these three charts where another set of charts.

      Each pane had four charts, a 133t, a 250v a 3 and 5 min chart.

      I was able to add 3-4 panes but then the system here got very slow and eventually had to be closed. I have since scaled back my plans.

      Do you want the Page that runs slow?


      • #4
        Q: Are you loading tick charts of some sort?
        A: Nope

        Q:What happens if you set the interval to 1 minute? Is it slow all the time or just when the market is busy?
        A: It's independent of whether the market is slow or busy. It's only when a stock with a large number of trades during the day is requested. The stock doesn't have to be trading heavily at the time I request it either. Like I said in the first post, I have 1 Market Depth, 1 Time/Sales, & 1 advanced intraday chart (1 min) linked to the symbol.

        Q: Does the chart fill-in at the same time as T&S?
        A: Yes, and the CPU drives up to 99% on the winsig.exe process in Windows XP.


        • #5
          Hi David,

          Long time no talk!

          Sure, we'll take a look at the page in question. Can you remind us of your system specs? If you create a page similiar to n23mc, do you see the same slowness?



          • #6
            I am running a p42.6 with 1gig ram and a sata hard drive on a cable modem. Usually runs so fat it is amazing.

            Where do I send the Page file? Do you need the efs also?


            • #7
              Try loading it here:

              We'll grab it tomorrow and take a look. Using 7.6 release 3?


              • #8
                Yes build 636a


                • #9

                  Do you need the efs also?

                  The Page embeds the efs(s).


                  • #10
                    My question thread has been high jacked!

                    Scott, did my answer to your question help to find corrective action for my orignal question in the thread?


                    • #11
                      Since we're on the subject, check this out:

                      My box, an AMD 1800XP with 1 Gig RAM running WinXP Pro used to peg at 100% CPU usage at market opens & closes & especially during heavy trading activity. I monitor ES and a fast trading stock like SUNW.

                      Today, I went into System Properties, Advanced, Performance Options & adjusted the Processor scheduling to adjust for best performance for Background Services & Memory usage to adjust for best performance for System Cache.

                      Lo & behold, the whole day the CPU usage remained below 50% with brief 1-2 sec spurts to 100% even with my most CPU torturing workspace. Over & above that, I was also running PowerVCR to watch TV & IB's TWS

                      Sounds pretty familiar heh? This was taken from a competitor's board and as you can see, these CPU problems are not isolated to eSignal. Here's another suggestion from another user on that same board:

                      Along the same lines as the tweak you mentioned, applying the first three tweaks at the Site below will dramatically improve the performance of any XP box --

                      I just went through the first three steps as that site suggests and although it's only been a few minutes, my home system already seems much faster.

                      If anyone on XP or Win2k can try some or all of these steps and see if the performance of eSignal improves for them, could be a great help to all of us. We'll do some experimenting in-house as well but typically, we can't duplicate most of the CPU issues users report so real-world testing would be ideal.



                      • #12
                        In addition to Scott's suggestions you may also want to check how many days you are loading in your Time and Sales window (right click T&S->Filter)


                        • #13

                          Can you try some of those XP optimization tips? Screen re-drawing is one of the most intensive CPU tasks so when you load a heavily traded symbol, the screen likely has to update that many more times. I'm no programmer but that's been my observation and we've seen the positive impact users have had by replacing video cards, upgrading video drivers, etc.

                          btw, how about after hours? Same result?



                          • #14
                            Just so you know, when I first signed on about 20 minutes ago 60 minute interval charts were loading EXTREMELY SLOWLY. NOTHING has changed in my setup since last week or yesterday when it was fine.

                            Now it is speeding back up. (Mind you, the market is not even open yet so this is not an issue of high market activity.)

                            I run win 2000 on p4 2.6 with 1 gig RAM, esignal is the ONLY app running on that computer and as I said, nothing has changed in that regard. Quite obviiously the issues are not at my end. (And I do NOT see any spikes in CPU usage btw - the 60 minute charts were just loading slowly while daily charts were still normal fast speed to load.)

                            Anyway, I think you are seeing performance problems at your end or there is some problem on the net, but I suppose it's you since I'm pretty sure your intraday and daily charts are served up by different servers at your end and as I said the daily charts were loading fine.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dloomis
                              I am running a p42.6 with 1gig ram and a sata hard drive on a cable modem. Usually runs so fat it is amazing.

                              Where do I send the Page file? Do you need the efs also?

                              I downloaded your file, and the EFS files didn't seem to import correctly. It seems that Pages only load EFS files that are imported through a Page, if they are 1 or less folders deep in the Formulas folder. I believe yours were two folders deep.

                              In addition, I only saw 4 charts (2x2) with a popped out chart set to $playback and a popped out Quote Window.

                              Are you sure this is the same Page that was running slow?
                              Jay F.
                              Product Manager
                              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

