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eSignal 2004

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  • eSignal 2004

    Hello all forums members,

    The year is flying by, so I thought I'd let you all know a bit about what projects we have done and what is coming soon for eSignal in 2004.

    eSignal 7.6 was released in March. It includes a number of new global exchanges, most notable Tokyo Stock Exchange. It also has a new module Options Plus, which we hope all option traders will take a look at.

    We also have released the new Quotrek in February. This is an amazing project for mobile, wireless quotes. It is available as a add on to any eSignal account. For a first version it is incredibly powerful with streaming quotes, charts and news. We are working on an updated version for the June timeframe.

    Our engineering team has a great track record of keeping the releases coming and we are expecting the 7.7 release in June. It will have Pick Sheet stocks including Level 2, London Market Depth, and Canadian mutual funds. The new features will include a new symbol lookup and a new News Manager.

    For our End of Day (EOD) users, we are working on a new international EOD service for eSignal EOD and Advanced GET EOD. It will cover over 80 world wide exchanges and will allow the user to run in an offline mode once the data is downloaded, monitoring 500 symbols of any stock or future. We’ll be testing this in the next few weeks.

    These are exciting times for us at eSignal. We continue to grow the business globally with new content and new products. I’ll update this thread as things progress.

    Chuck Thompson
    President, eSignal

  • #2
    Other new Exchanges

    There are two new US exchanges that will be online around month's end, Eurex US and the CBOE Futures exchange (VIX futures).

    These will run in the current eSignal 7.6 release.


    • #3

      Sometimes I see posts about speed of quotes, speed of PCs etc here.

      There are lots of projects and engineering of our network that goes on that users don't see.

      We have been continuously increasing the speed of the pipeline or backbone to our servers. And we replaced the whole server farm last year at the cost of over $1m to increase the speed of the through put of the server farm. We are continuing to spend big to increase capacity again this year.

      Be aware that the total bandwidth of market data has been doubling very year. Depending on what markets and symbols you are watching, the load could be doubling on your system.

      That may mean your PC needs the latest XP version, more memory, faster CPU, better graphics cards, and the highest speed broadband you can get. Just something to think about.


      • #4

        Hi Esignal

        The pro firm I am joining (Hold Bros.) has installed esignal in their office (i.e. not thru the internet). During the times I need to trade from home using a broadband internet connection, will I be able to use the same userId from my office as long as no one uses my userID at the office at the same time? Will there be extra configuration adjustments adjustments I have to make?



        • #5
          eSignal Office Server

          You should be able to. I use the same type of setup in the office and then use the same account at home.

          If it doesn't work for you, let us know and we'll look into it.


          • #6

            PLEASE include the ability to put the FLOAT as an available field on the MARKET DEPTH window as a VERY high priority.

            As you may or may not be aware, over the past several months low float stocks have been catching incredible momentum. The inability to quickly see the FLOAT of a stock is a MAJOR HURDLE in quickly identifying these profit opportunities.

            The FLOAT field is not a trivial indicator.

            Knowing how many shares of a stock are tradeable is a key indicator to trading & it has NOTHING to do with shares outstanding.

            Please reply.



            • #7
              Hi N23,

              Thanks for the idea. I'll pass this over to the Product Development Group for consideration into future builds.


              • #8

                I'd like Chuck to directly read my post.

                Could you ask him to look at this thread once more.



                • #9

                  Not to worry, I read it ...

                  We are looking at adding more fundamental data in the future, as we need to add some for Europe.

                  Thanks for your feedback,

