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  • alerts

    can i set alerts on the basic studies in e-signal to detect nagative/positive and crossovers in the indicators, such as in the macd,momentum, and stochastics?

  • #2
    No, you will have to do that with efs(s).
    FWIW many of these are already available throughout the forums so all that you may need to do is a Search for alerts on a specific study


    • #3
      Stochastics alert

      I am looking in particular for the ability to get an alert when 15 minute stochastics crosses up thru the 20 (or down thru the 80) level. I'll see if I can find this in the efs's


      • #4
        Which stochastic crosses the 20 and 80 levels? %K or %D?


        • #5
          Hi Alex,

          The 'fast' line, %K. This would give me an earlier alert = more time to call up the chart.

          I don't know efs's very well, but I'm wondering if a stochastics alert would work the same as price. If I want a high price alert at 20, the price has to be below 20, or the alert triggers right away.

          Would stochastics have to be below 20 already, to set a 'high' alert for when it crosses above 20. Or can logic be built into efs's such that an alert can be entered when stochastics is at 60 and falling, to not trigger until stochastics has fallen below 20 then climbed above it?



          • #6
            The attached efs will plot a Stochastic and trigger in real time a sound alert when %K is crossing up through 20 or crossing down through 80 (both levels can be set through Edit Studies together with the other parameters for the Stochastic study).
            If you prefer to have it play a sound only at the close of the interval then the changes required are relatively simple to implement.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Hey Alex

              That was slick ... my first efs!

              I was able to edit the efs file to my preferred stochastic parameters (5,3,3) and colors. I also changed to my preferred .wav alert sound.

              Something I didn't appreciate with efs's... I guess I must have the chart open, for the alert to work? (Not like entering a price alert which triggers even if the chart is not open) But that's fine, still a big step forward.

              I didn't see anything in the efs that was time interval (5, 15, 30 minute) dependant, so I guess whatever interval the chart is presently displaying in, is when the alert will work?

              I have one monitor with 16, 3"x4" charts, so I'll put my desired stochastic alert charts among them. I have a few other studies I use, so my 3x4 charts have the studies stacked. Would this efs stochastic study have to be the visible study in the stack, for the alert to work? Even if it must be the visible study, is there a way to readily see which of the 16 charts triggered - maybe a 5 sec flashing background?

              Thank Alex



              • #8
                Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
                If you prefer to have it play a sound only at the close of the interval then the changes required are relatively simple to implement.

                Did you mean that the sound could play only at the close of the current time interval in which the crossing occurred? Otherwise, as price fluctuated within the time interval, would the alert potentially sound multiple times as stochastics went from 19-21-18-22....? My preference would be for the sound to play once only as soon as the crossing occurs. That's enough to get my attention to see if it follows thru



                • #9

                  I guess I must have the chart open, for the alert to work?

                  That is correct.

                  I didn't see anything in the efs that was time interval (5, 15, 30 minute) dependant, so I guess whatever interval the chart is presently displaying in, is when the alert will work?

                  Also correct

                  Would this efs stochastic study have to be the visible study in the stack, for the alert to work?

                  No it does not need to be the visible one

                  Even if it must be the visible study, is there a way to readily see which of the 16 charts triggered - maybe a 5 sec flashing background?

                  While I think of a better way to do this the quickest solution for now is to trigger also an Alert Window that will show the symbol, interval and whether %K is crossing up or down (see attached efs).

                  Attached Files


                  • #10

                    Did you mean that the sound could play only at the close of the current time interval in which the crossing occurred?

                    Yes that is what I meant

                    Otherwise, as price fluctuated within the time interval, would the alert potentially sound multiple times as stochastics went from 19-21-18-22....?

                    Actually there are two ways of doing this. One is to have it sound every time it crosses which means multiple alerts during the same bar/interval. The other is to play the sound once only the first time it crosses during that bar/interval.

                    My preference would be for the sound to play once only as soon as the crossing occurs.

                    Then this is how the efs is set up to work


                    • #11
                      The attached revision of the efs will also color the background of the chart in yellow or lime during the whole time in which the Stochastic %K is crossing the OB/OS levels respectively. In all other conditions the background of the chart is set to white.
                      The coloring of the background can be disabled through Edit Studies
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Hi Alex,

                        Quite fascinating what can be done with efs's. I used your first efs on Tuesday, and the 2nd efs (with the alert window) today. They work great. I can see that the 3rd efs includes the alert window - good, I'll try that tomorrow.

                        In the Triggered Alert List, the color (red or blue) tells me the crossing direction, and as I day trade only I don't need the time really, so as a monitor space usage fanatic I would like to remove those columns. I'm using single line mode, so I can narrow the window to hide the last column "crossing up or down". But to hide the Time column, can I simply remove Lines 63 and 68
                        [nLastRawTime = getValue("rawtime",0);] or does the Alert.addToList command somehow create a table where those columns must be there?

                        You've got me hooked on efs's.



                        • #13
                          The date and time in the Triggered Alert List are placed there by the application itself. The symbol, interval and "Crossing Up (or Down)" text instead are defined by the two lines similar to the following
                          Alert.addToList(getSymbol()+" "+getInterval(),"Crossing Up",,;
                          which should be in lines 68 and 73 of the efs.
                          Do not delete any of the lines with getValue("rawtime",0); in them as those are what control the number of times the sound plays or the alert pops up in a bar.


                          • #14
                            Question on builtinstoch(alerts)(3).efs

                            I just found and downloaded this efs, very nice! Two questions, which line do I change the %D (want to change to 14) and which line selects the sound file that plays?
                            Thank so much in advance,

                            PS I already changed the default background color to black; and changed the 80 and 20 lines for stochastics to white.


                            • #15
                              You can modify any of the Stochastic settings through Edit Studies. If instead you wish to set a different default then modify the value in line 35 of the script.
                              The sound file is set in lines 67 and 72 of the script

