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synchronize zooming across multiple charts

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  • synchronize zooming across multiple charts

    I have created a layout that has mutliple ZB charts in different timeframes.

    When I move back and forth on the X axis on 1 chart, is it possible to get the other charts to move back and forth also, even in different timeframes?? This would make it easier.

  • #2
    Hi Wavetrader,

    Currently, only on the time axis will the cursor tracking update on all charts when scrolling within one. The price cursor tracking will only update on the chart with which you are moving the cursor within.



    • #3
      Originally posted by AndyS
      Hi Wavetrader,

      Currently, only on the time axis will the cursor tracking update on all charts when scrolling within one. The price cursor tracking will only update on the chart with which you are moving the cursor within.

      I don't understand... Isn't the X axis the time axis? What is cursor tracking? I don't mean just moving the cursor, I mean moving the actual price data across all charts.


      • #4
        Hi Wavetrader,

        I must have misinterpreted your question. I thought you were asking for schronization of the cursor tracking label on all charts when moving your cursor within one chart, specifically dealing with the price axis.

        In other words, if you had four charts open of ZB #F with four different intervals (i.e. 1,3,5,15 min.) and you move your cursor within one chart looking at the one minute bars, but want to see the curor tracking update simultanous in all charts. See image below for what cursor tracking is.

        If this is not what you're asking about, could you rephrase it another way for my understanding?



        • #5
          Originally posted by AndyS

          In other words, if you had four charts open of ZB #F with four different intervals (i.e. 1,3,5,15 min.) and you move your cursor within one chart looking at the one minute bars, but want to see the curor tracking update simultanous in all charts. See image below for what cursor tracking is.

          If this is not what you're asking about, could you rephrase it another way for my understanding?

          If I had four charts open of ZB #F with four different intervals, and I actually go back beyond the leftmost bar to see historical bars (ie., I left-click on the chart, slide my mouse to the right to see the other bars before the leftmost bar on my chart) on the 1-min charts, can the other timeframe (3,5,15min.) charts also slide back to display the other historical bars? Is there a way to do that?

          (If not, it would be a nice feature to have, and even have the option of "chaining" or "linking" only certain charts, so it doesn't do it across all charts, just the charts you selected.)


          • #6
            Hi WaveTrader,

            O.K., I got it now. Funny, after reading your last post then going back to your first post, I can't believe I didn't get it the first time.

            Anyway, it's not currently possible for the other charts to scroll back simultaneously. I'll forward this thread on to ideas for their consideration.

            Thanks for your patience.

