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Options Market depth

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  • Options Market depth

    I really wish you would correcting the bid and ask in market depths for options. the top level one area is usually correct but the market depth itself is almost always wrong and is lagging for minutes. it gets to be a bit of a pain especially when you consider how much esignal costs. Ilove the product but please try and sort this issue out.


  • #2
    what is the cost for this options marketdepth? I have trouble following along with the different services and what I see is overlap on items which confuses me all the more.......


    • #3
      the cost is just the cost of market depth subscription. when it works it's golden especially if you are used to using level two for everything.


      • #4
        ok... thank you


        • #5
          Hi Jeddins,

          After reading this post, then checking back on this subject that you and I posted about in February, I went back to our engineers to see where we are at in solving this. I was informed that they performed the necessary fixes and put it through extensive testing without finding any problems. That was done on April 18th.

          We then checked your connection and found some inconsistencies. Our engineers will be looking into this more tomorrow and report back to me. At that time, I'll update you as to what they have found.



          • #6
            thanks for the update. I do have the problem at two different locations so i wonder if it's actually my connection. i connect with roadrunner and one place and a T1 at my other office. Please keep me informed. Thanks again


            • #7
              Hi Jeddins,

              I was a little brief in my earlier post and left you with the wrong impression. Sorry `bout that. The connection I'm referring to is the server you were routed to today. If you're on tomorrow, bring up another regional option and I'll take a look at what server you were routed to.



              • #8
                Hi Jeddins,

                O.K., we've checked to be sure that you are being routed to the right server. So that's not the issue.

                Our QA group would like to know what symbol(s) you're tracking when you see this so that we can compare as well, along with comparing against other services. I've been checking several today and haven't seen any problems yet.

                Perhaps if you come across this problem again, if you could post an image showing what you see, it would be helpful as well.



                • #9
                  i'm tracking the following cqr fe, qlc ry, qlc ey, and anq rd. the problem if anything seemed worse this am. Thanks for all the help. You guys are solid on tech support


                  • #10
                    take a look at qlc ee right now, the level one shows 2.70 to 2.80 and the level two shows 2.70 to 2.75. the time is 2:23


                    • #11
                      I checked as soon as I saw your post, but on my end, all was o.k.

                      I'm sending you a pm on another issue pertaining to you account.



                      • #12
                        mine is still messed up on qlc ee,the ask is actually 2.75 now but amex never lifted the ask even when it really went to 2.80. is there any thing i need to change?


                        • #13
                          As soon as I saw your post, I went and took a snap shot of the MD window. This is what shows. I did notice that the color scheme seems to be incorrect. I sent this off to QA for inspection.



                          • #14
                            Hi Jeddins,

                            One of the crew here did capture the problem live and forwarded the "pictures" to engineering. They will be looking more in depth into this tomorrow.

                            When I hear something back from them, I'll update the post here.



                            • #15
                              Hi Jeddins,

                              Just a quick note to say that we've now accumulated several examples for the engineers. In our testing today, we've noticed that it's happened on several servers, but not on all, thus the difficulty at times to duplicate.

                              We are working towards figuring this out and I hope to have an update for you soon as to when it will be corrected.


