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File Sharing Search

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  • File Sharing Search

    I've had trouble getting the SEARCH in File Sharing to work productively for me.

    I came across a thread mentioning a highfive system or EFS or somthing, I wasn't sure. In File Sharing I tried "high five" and "highfive" without the ". I got back 24 pages of references but some pages had nothing in them. Hardly any had a match to highfive. While wading through pages and pages I finally did find a $highfive.efs. That was what I was looking for, great!

    Then I tried a new search from the start page of File Sharing and entered the exact file name, correct case and all and it turns up 1 page with nothing on it. Is there some key step I am missing? Seems a search engine should return at least one reference if there is an exact match. Imagine when I don't know exactly how to phrase the targe, oh I know, I get 24 pages of references...

    Help for future searches please!

  • #2

    Can someone explain when I do a File Sharing search and it returns Page [1] but there is not detail showing. Sometimes it returns Page [0] and I assume there is no data to display but when there is a number 1 shouldn't there be an entry showing.



    • #3
      Hi Mooseman,

      The few results returned for the highfive.efs is understandable as this is an Add-on study provided by 21st Century Futures. To the best of my knowledge, the revised version of this study is not available through File Share as it is proprietary and available only through 21st Century. In regards to the other items you were searching for, can you supply the search criteria you were using? Please let us know and we'll look into it and see if there is an issue somewhere along the line. Thanks.


      • #4
        Thanks for showing an interest. I found a few files I was looking for but it seems knowing 80% or even 100% of the file name does not produce a search match. And often times I end up with a page with numbers at the top as if there should be data below but nothing shows where data would be. Below is a sample of my trials. In my examples the " is not typed in the search text box.

        All searches tried from this page, entering search string in box labeled “Find A File Text:”

        Search: “highfive*” produces 1 Pages [1] with four entries
        The first entry is DayTradersAction HighFiveFAQ.doc clicking this file entry takes me to

        contains 10 entries including five entries starting with “$HighFivexxx” and “$highfive.efs”

        Search: “$highfive.efs” produces 1 Pages [1] with no entries . Why no matches? Why does it say [1]? This file does exist, I found it in the prior search though had to manually drill down to see it. Kind of hunt and peek, hunt and peek.

        Search: “*highfive.efs” produces a page full of errors
        An error has occurred: org.apache.lucene.queryParser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1, column 1. Encountered: "*" (42), after : ""

        org.apache.lucene.queryParser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1, column 1. Encountered: "*" (42), after : ""
        at org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParserTokenMana ger.getNextToken(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.jj_ntk(U nknown Source)

        Every time I try to use the wild card “*” preceding a string I get a page full of errors. So you have to know the exact start of the string except if it starts with “$” it doesn’t find the matches.


        Search: “RealTimeSwings.efs” produces 1 Pages [1] with no entries . Why no matches? Why does it say [1]?
        Search: “RealTime*” produces 0 Pages [0] with no entries . Same result as when it says 1 page.
        Search: “real time swings” produces 24 Pages [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12] but no detail shows below, blank page.
        If I click on the 2 for the 2nd page I presume, I get 4 Pages [1 2 3 4] but no detail shows below, blank page again
        If I click on the 2 in this page I get three entries from a group Specialty cripts, nothing in any of the text on this page says real or time or swing.

        I did manage to do this exercise enough times last night to actually find the files RealTimeSwings.efs and RealTimeSwings2.efs and download them. I assume this is enough demonstration of what I did and shows why I don’t understand how to use the search tool.


        • #5
          I would like to know how often the file search is updated as I also get blank pages on searches and also listings of files that are no longer there when you hit the file name link. In other words if one makes an efs and then it is updated or renamed etc etc or any type file for that matter how does the file search handle these types of things?

          I think the search is a great tool to use and I don't use wildcards or even the exact names of things. Just portions of text will produce some results.

          p.s mooseman that was a very detailed demonstration by the way good work

