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Please help, Syntax Error message

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  • Please help, Syntax Error message

    Please help. Everytime I open up Esignal I get the following message:

    An error has occurred in the script on this page.

    Line: 2
    Char: 1
    Error: Syntax error
    Code: 0

    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

    I can not seem to get rid of the message above, please advise what to do. Thanks in advance.


  • #2

    If you could provide some additional information, it will help in figuring this out. What version of eSignal are you currently running? When the error appears, do you have any Internet Explorer windows running? Also, within eSignal, do you have the embedded browser window open; and if so, what web address is the page navigated to? Please let us know.


    • #3
      script / syntax error message, additional info

      Hello DuaneG,

      Thanks for responding to my inquiry. Additional info:

      currently running Esignal 7.5
      I don't have any separate Internet Explorer windows running outside of Esignal.
      Yes, there is a embedded browser running in the "Page" that I open up to (I use it to see the "basic scanner"). I think the default is to the Esignal Central.

      I am attempting to attach a .gif file to this so you can have included a Picture of what happens upon opening Esignal.

      If you still need more info, please feel free to ask.
      Attached Files


      • #4

        Thanks for the screen shot. That definitely helps isolate the issue. I belive an error has been identified with a banner on the eSignal Central page. As this window is embedded in your layout, the error message is occurring when the program is opened. To test this, you may want to close the embedded browser window, save the layout and then re-open the program without that window. If the error message does not appear, then we can safely assume the issue with the banner is still withstanding. As soon as I get more information regarding this, I'll re-post with any relevant information. Thanks.

