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Severe performance issues in the last several releases

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  • Severe performance issues in the last several releases

    I have a dual processor 2.66 gig machine with 1 gig memory, yet in the last couple of releases, the performance of esignal has slowed down considerably. I've been told that the enhancements slow it down. Having been a software developer for 30+ years, I can tell the problems can not be attributed to that. Here's why. There are periods even during startup when winsig (esignal charting) goes to 100% cpu for periods of up to 30 seconds or more. Sometimes just changing a chart from one period or another will do the same thing. This is all during premarket hours with no activity. These periods of 100% processor time will then break for periods with only 0-3% busy and then will lock into the 100% periods. During these 100% periods, nothing can be done on the charts because of an hour glass mouse cursor. This says the winsig isn't even processing events. Am I the only one experiencing these kind of problems?

  • #2

    Your machine is definitely well within the minimum requirements needed to run eSignal efficiently. Just so we can help troubleshoot the issue, it would be good to know if you are running any other applications concurrently with eSignal. Also, have any custom EFS studies been applied to the Advanced Chart windows in your overall layout? The machine I run eSignal on is comparable to your system and I haven't seen these types of load issues locally, but again, please let me know so that we can try to replicate the scenario as closely as possible. You also may want to read through the following FAQ. Thanks.


    • #3
      I've had the same problems in the past. A recent processor upgrade (AMD64 3200+) helped a lot, but I think the video upgrade helped the most. More memory on the Matrox P650 vs my older G400 reduced the frequency and duration of 100% CPU. (& P650 required a bigger power supply) Also, if you are using IBs Trader Workstation or any other Java app, make sure you have the latest Java. TWS and Winsig don't play well together unless you have at least 1.4.1


      • #4
        I run other applications such as hotcomm and TWS, but the problems even occur in the morning even before there is either price traffic or other app interference.

        Being a dual processor, when the problem occurs, it monopolizes one processor (shows 50%).

        Yes I run many efs's but since I get the problem with no price traffic in the morning sometimes just by changing time periods and the utilitization goes to 100% and esignal becomes unresponsive, I don't think it's an interference or efs performance issue.

        BTW I'm not trying to boast, but I have 35 years software design/develpment experience and my intuition in this area is pretty good. This looks like a bug to me. It looks like it periodically get's itself in a loop. This problem only started happening a couple of releases ago.

        I'm also running Java 1.4.2 but since it iwasn't runing, it shouldn't be involved.


        • #5
          Please confirm that you are running 7.6 release 3.

          I'd suggest you try some process of elimination to see what variable might be causing the excessive CPU draw. As Duane indicated as well, I run eSignal everyday and never see these sorts of CPU issues nor do we get any widespread reports. We certainly do get calls on CPU draw but it tends to be a result of a combination of factors.

          Try closing out your windows and saving eSignal with either a blank layout or page. Exit and restart and see what the CPU looks like with almost nothing loaded. Then add a quote window, a few symbols, exit and restart again. Next, open a chart, add 1 EFS, etc. Hopefully, you'll find the point at which the CPU starts to have the problem.

          Just to be sure, you should check the Windows Task Manager and make sure there are no other unwanted processes running.

          btw, if the CPU hits 100% right when you start eSignal with a blank layout, you should definitely walk through the FAQ that Duane referenced.



          • #6
            Here's an FAQ that covers the most common reasons why CPU might saturate. One of the most common of those is a large number of drawn objects whether that be manually drawn trend lines, Fib lines, or text, or lines, shapes, or images drawn from an EFS.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              no user drawn objects, running release 7.6 build 636a


              • #8
                A couple of things to try here that may help in diagnosing:

                Run the EFS Performance Monitor ( TOOLS - EFS - EFS Performance Monitor ) to see if you have one or more with excessive resource utilization. It helps to "SetComputeOnClose" if you don't really need particular EFSs to update in realtime.

                Second, run Steve Hare's "performance test efs" which is in the "FUNCTIONS" fileshare group. (see also threadid=8448 for more details on this). Running this will give you a benchmark of your system's performance relative to eSignal's Power User Profile.

                Good luck,


                • #9
                  this is from the performance app:

                  ======>>>> Please Record your Computer Information Below and upload to (or view others)<<<<======

                  Microprocessor Type: dual processor xeon intel
                  Microprocessor Speed: 2.8 gigahertz
                  Motherboard: Dell 530 MT
                  Megs Memory and speed: 1024 megabytes 2x512MB RIMM
                  Mfg. Video Card(s): NVIDIA Quadro49000 XGL
                  Mfg. Hard Drive, Size and Speed: ST380021A 80Gig
                  Any other fun fact(s):

                  ===================>>>> This test was performed on 5/18/04 20:17 <<<<===================
                  Interval = 1M, Symbol = $DJGTE
                  Build number = 636

                  RuntimeRoot = C:\Program Files\eSignal\FormulaOutput\
                  FormulaOutputRoot = C:\Program Files\eSignal\FormulaOutput\

                  Initial load, 22243 bars have been loaded in 7.453 seconds

                  Starting at time in milliseconds: 1084925844875 and ending at time in milliseconds: 1084925852328

                  ===================>>>> This test was performed on 5/18/04 20:17 <<<<===================
                  Interval = 5M, Symbol = $DJGTE
                  Build number = 636

                  RuntimeRoot = C:\Program Files\eSignal\FormulaOutput\
                  FormulaOutputRoot = C:\Program Files\eSignal\FormulaOutput\

                  Initial load, 4544 bars have been loaded in 7.437 seconds

                  Starting at time in milliseconds: 1084925845234 and ending at time in milliseconds: 1084925852671

                  ================== processor speed test =============================
                  in 20 seconds, 53880 processor calls were made
                  Processor Speed Test Run, 91.8 %
                  ================== processor speed test =============================

                  ================== memory speed test =============================
                  in 20 seconds, 6624 calls were made
                  Memory Speed Test Run, 87.8 %
                  ================== memory speed test =============================

                  ================== File Write and Read Test =============================
                  in 20.015 seconds, 8755 file writes and reads were made
                  File Write and Read Test Run, 85.7 %
                  ================== File Write and Read Test =============================

                  Your Computer is 88.4 as fast as the eSignal defined power PC based on my PC which matches those specs


                  • #10
                    I'm no expert but the benchmark doesn't seem to be flagging any problems with your system and shows good power with respect to the Power User Profile. This suggests something specific to your Layout. Be interesting to see what the EFS Perf. Monitor shows. You could then progressively remove the biggest resource consumers and watch what happens to the CPU load via the Windows Task Manager.

                    If the problem persists you can ask eSignal Tech Support to set up a Webex session on your machine and have them try to diagnose the problem hands-on.


