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  • Crosshairs

    Does anyone know how to anchor the crosshairs on actual prices when looking at prices?
    EG- when looking at prices or trying to draw a line on the 6E contract it shows 120.321 or 120.329, this isnt a possible price as it only goes to 2 digits and not three, its pretty annoying as my horizontal lines are off and I just want the thing to look good and accurate.
    Not too sure I've explained very well but if you think you know what I'm on about and acan help I'd really appreciate it.

  • #2
    Hi Minx,

    The crosshairs are free floating and move in pixel increments. At this time, line studies are the only features that are affected by the sensitivity of the price magnet. I'm not sure which one of the line tools you are utilizing for drawing horizontal lines, but if you could perhaps include a screenshot, it would help in isolating a solution to your question. Thanks.


    • #3
      sorry for the delay, it is just with the horizontal line. I put them on where I place a trade, the stop and the profit line so I can get a visual image instantly of how things are doing but when they're slightly off its just annoying, its no major disaster just soemthing I'd really like to see as an option- if it could magnet to the smallest increment only and not per pixel...

