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Level 2 screen/Quoteview

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  • Level 2 screen/Quoteview

    Hi, does anyone know of a way of making it clearer in the Level 2 screen those market makers that you're following/watching??
    I'm new to Level 2 and initially want to use it to improve my entries. I like the esignal level 2 screen but there seems little way of making the market maker ID's I'm following "stand out" from the screen. I'm trialling Realtick at the moment and they have a "monitor" facility (See photo attached) that makes the whole line black and fills in the text in the colour at that price level. It makes it so much easier to see where the big players are on the screen.
    With esignal, I have the "market maker" edit on right click of the mouse and can change the text colour of the ID. Making the background a different colour doesn't help as it seems like a global function. There seems to be no facility to make the marketmaker ID bigger in font size.
    Does anyone else have any bright ideas of how to make this better??? I didn't think it would make a difference until I started trading and it does! Sometimes it's the little things in life...
    Thanks in advance
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Have you tried adjusting the color and background color for each desired MM? If not, I'd give it a shot. You can make any MM really stand out.

    Right-click in the depth window and choose Market Makers... Select the MMID from the right list and then adjust both the actual color of the MMID and the background color. Make sure you don't leave the background in "auto" as that will leave it in the default screen colors. Below I changed ARCA to red with a black background. Seems to stand out pretty well. Does this work for you?



    • #3
      Scott, that's exactly what I was trying to do! I made the mistake of leaving the background as auto/default.
      One slight hiccup is that the system doesn't change the rest of the data text to the same color as the MMID. ie the "arcx" changes color but not the bid,ask,#best (etc) text. Its not a big deal as I can tone down the black background to say darkish green and you can just about see the text if you're desperate but normally the ID is sitting in a bunch of other similar levels. Its the relative position on the screen thats important to me
      Thanks once again.

