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Problems with quote window

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  • Problems with quote window


    eSignal 7.2's quote window can not keep up with actively traded e-Minis (ES, NQ) and stocks (SPY, QQQ). Because of this, much of the time I see background color with no data displayed. Is there a way to power a quote window with snaphot quotes instead of streaming ones?


    P.S. My system is an AMD 1700+ with 512Mb, a fast ATI graphics card, and a DSL connection.

  • #2
    This could be due to the fact that the Realtime Line Text color of the Quote Window is the same (or very similar) to that of the background color.
    With the Quote Window selected go to Quote Options on the Main Menu and select Colors...
    Try modifying the colors for Realtime Line Text and Realtime Line Background and see if that makes the quotes visible.


    • #3
      I had no problems with display of less heavily traded ticker symbols in the same window. It looks like the quote window refreshes data on every tick first by repainting the background color, and then drawing new values. When the refresh rate is very high, one backround repaint often folllows another, and I see mostly background color with an occasional flash of data.


      • #4
        Quote Sheet Examples

        Originally posted by dis
        It looks like the quote window refreshes data on every tick first by repainting the background color, and then drawing new values. When the refresh rate is very high, one backround repaint often folllows another, and I see mostly background color with an occasional flash of data.
        You are correct. When the Quote Window receives the update, it displays the "Realtime Line Text" and "Realtime Line Background" colors. If the colors selected combine to make the text difficult to read, then it would be best to change these colors (as Alex mentioned.)

        Below are a couple of example Quote Sheets:

        Contrasting Realtime Background

        Contrasting Realtime Text

        No Contrasting Realtime Colors

        Jay F.
        Community Support Specialist
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          I am having a similar problem to what dis is having but in other threads I see that you mainly trade mini ES and are not having this problem.
          Can you explain more what you meant in your reply?


          • #6

            There could be two reasons.

            First, do you have Tradestation installed on your machine?
            If so then you may want to look at the solution kindly provided by glazman in this thread

            The second is related to the choice of colors in the Quote Window.
            In the image below notice that while the quotes are visible in the window on the left they are instead partially missing from the one on the right. Yet both quote windows are running concurrently on the same machine.

            The colors that influence this behavior are those for Quote Line Background, Quote Line Text, Old Data, Realtime Line Background and Realtime Line Text.
            In the left quote window for example the Quote Line Background is set to white while the Realtime Line Background is yellow.
            With the eminis - that are a very actively traded instrument - the row tends to remain yellow all the time. If at this point one selected a similar color for Old Data, Quote Text or Realtime Line Text the quotes would intermittently disappear as they refresh.
            Notice also that some quotes are in black while others are in gray. The gray is used in the example for Old Data whereas black is for both Quote Text and Realtime Line Text. This slight differentiation allows to highlight changes in the quotes whilst making them both fully visible at all times.

            Attached to this message is a zip file with a sample Quote Window that has the same settings as described above.
            You may want to experiment with the colors keeping in mind though what Jay said in his reply ie. that you should try to maintain contrast between them.
            Hope this helps

            Attached Files
            Last edited by ACM; 02-26-2003, 07:39 AM.


            • #7
              That worked perfectly and it is much easier to read than what I had.
              Thanks a lot


              • #8

                On my system the window on the left displays e-Mini quotes once when I open it. The first tick wipes out a row's text for good. The background color, however, continues to change as expected, on every tick. It's 7:30PM EST, and ticks are few and far in between.


                P.S. I do not have a Tradestation installed


                • #9
                  Hey Dis,

                  Could you put your .quo file into a zip file and attach it to a post in this thread? We'll be happy to look at it and figure this out.

                  Matt Gundersen


                  • #10

                    I used a .quo file attached to an Alexis' message below. Btw, I had the same problem with a Dell Celeron 700Mhz, i810 chipset, XP Home, using a different DSL connection. Aside from eSignal, the only software the two systems have in common is Quotetracker and IB TWS.



                    • #11
                      Dis, can you zip up your winsig.ini and winros.ini from the /windows folder?
                      Matt Gundersen


                      • #12
                        .ini files

                        Here they are.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Close eSignal and Data Manager. Then open winros.ini and look for
                          freeze=1 (it is close to the top of the file)
                          Change that to
                          and Save winros.ini
                          This is the same as the TS related issue. I believe that should fix it.
                          Last edited by ACM; 02-26-2003, 06:33 PM.


                          • #14
                            dis, hope you find a fix; I loaded up the symbols you mentioned here:

                            and checked them at high trade-rate periods of the day, but didn't see any problem. Once you find the problem cause and fix it, are you going to amend your ET review?


                            • #15

                              Changing winros.ini fixed the problem.


