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Simple Time Zone problem?

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  • Simple Time Zone problem?

    I think this may be a simple newbie question (1 month old account) but here goes...

    I am in the midwest and would prefer to have my charts reflect EDT to match the time of the markets. I currently have changed my computer's clock time to acomplish this but the times in my daytimer and email now cause me confusion. Is there a way to configure eSignal to display EDT times without changing my clock time?

  • #2
    Unless another user knows a trick I'm not aware of, I don't know of a way you can offset time within eSignal. The only time setting for eSignal is located in the Turbofeed DM, under Data, then Time. The box will display what time zone your PC is set to and has a check box to synchronize with our network time. We recommend leaving synchronization ON so the charts stay consistent with the time being kept on our servers.

    We've had this question before so we'll toss it out again to our Engineering team to see if there's something we can do in a future release.



    • #3

      At least with your being in the US, you get the vertical dashed lines separating one market day from the next appearing at the start of each market day.

      Midnite for me (my local time) happens at 11:00 AM NY time, so I get those vertical lines appearing 1-1/2 hours after the market has opened. Confusing when looking at intraday charts.

      And I agree, changing one's computer clock messes up too many other programs.

      But even living in the US outside of EST time zone, I appreciate what you're saying, as most day trading market commentary refers to NY time, which one then wants to cross reference to charts also in NY time, regardless of where you live.

      Another need for consistent NY time is when doing postmortems. IB is able to record my buys and sells in NY time - which I now have to translate to plot on my charts

      So its good to hear that Scott will rattle the software people's cages to get this fixed up for us. Thanks Scott.

