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Pages vs Layouts

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  • Pages vs Layouts

    I originally looked at using Pages many months ago. I use 6 monitors, and was hoping Pages would allow me to change just the thumbnail charts in one monitor, so that during the market day, I could quickly look at a group of biotechs, then semis, then software, etc. But Pages reloads everything on all six monitors - much, much too slow.

    At the time, someone mentioned that TradeStation can do the above. The eSignal response was that this feature would be considered. Will this be included in 8.0?

    So far then, I have just been using one layout (say Layout A), for during the market day. But for use after the close, to prepare for the next day, I want to create a 2nd layout (say Layout B). In Layout B, I will load thumbnail (2"x3") charts of semi's in one monitor, biotechs in another, software in another, etc. I also want to keep my Quote windows (and Alerts) common for both layouts.

    I assume that if I start with Layout A, then delete everything but the quote windows, then add the new thumbnail charts and Save As Layout B, then these quote windows should stay common to both layouts? i.e. any changes I make to a quote window while in Layout B, should also appear in Layout A (as long as I don't change the file names for the quote windows)?. I'll click 'Apply Alerts to All Layouts' so Alerts set in Layout B should be active in Layout A?

    I think the above is correct, but would appreciate confirmation before I start creating the new layout.

    Also, I assume a new layout is the way to go for this 2nd 'view', as opposed to using Pages. If I recall correctly, Pages doesn't save trend lines (a disadvantage). Is there any advantage to using Pages instead?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hi Shaeffer, the saving process for layouts you describe should work just fine, at least it did for me on the 7.5 release. Just be aware to save any changes to your quote windows you make before you rotate between layouts and remember to give unique names to each window in each layout you don't want common to both. As far as advantages to using pages, I have no ideas.


    • #3
      Wouldn't it be nice to have a kind of super window within the Layout that allowed you to quickly change Pages that contain one or more charts? And if the Pages were stored locally, load time would be really fast AND the layout wouldn't get bogged down because of all those pesky little lines we like to use.

      Brian is correct in each of his suggestions. I too have an after hours layout I use and went thru all the same grief. Also, If you want to make an alert on an after hours "page" that will alert you during trading hours - you will need to have a common quote window. (better I think than linking globally)

