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Saving MM coloring in L2?

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  • Saving MM coloring in L2?

    I was pleasantly surprised to find that the text color of MMID's in Level II can now be changed. Thanks for making the improvement.

    The only glitch is, I can not save these color changes, so each morning (or each time I re-open the program) I have to re-color the MMID's to my preference. Should they be saveable? I've tried saving the actual L2 window, and my overall Layout, and saved my preferred L2 coloring as the Default, but no luck.

    Strangely enough, if I change both the background color and the text color, the changes will save. But changing only the text color will not. So again, should this be saveable (or do I have a glitch at my end)?
    On a related matter, instead of changing MMID text colors, it would be nice to change selected MMID background colors only, while leaving other MMID's and other L2 columns defaulting to the price level background colors.

    Right now, if an MMID background color is changed, then the entire row is changed (the price level coloring is lost). Or, if you uncheck 'Highlight Entire Row' just the MMID is highlighted, but all other columns except Bid and Ask (but including other MMID's) lose the price level coloring.

    Ultimately, the option to change MMID text color or background color, with everything else defaulting to the price level background coloring is what is needed, in my opinion.


    I had suggested this improvement last August

  • #2
    Hi shaeffer,

    Thanks for the heads up. I don't recall specifically hearing about this one before, but I can replicate it. Just so that we have the most specific information possible, which version of eSignal are you currently running? In regards to the enhancement you suggested, I’d be happy to pass it along to the Product Development Team. If you have any additional thoughts about these preferences, please feel free to email [email protected]. As you can see, we do listen to user comments and ideas. Keep 'em coming. Thanks.


    • #3
      Hi Duane,

      Thanks for the reply. I am using 7.6 R3.

      Since you mention it, I suggested the MMID text color improvement to Todd's group last August. Just by chance I noticed last week that it could now be done, but I have no idea when the improvement was made. Each time a new version is released, is there a place where ALL the improvements/changes are listed so those of interest can be used right away? (something similar to IB's Release Notes would be useful)



      • #4
        Hi shaeffer,

        You can actually check out the new features that have been added to a specific build by going through the Readme file located in the eSignal directory. This file will contain the release notes and any changes or new features that have been added. Hope this helps.

