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How are Trend Lines Saved?

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  • How are Trend Lines Saved?


    Could you please describe how trend lines are saved by the program?

    I have one chart window (my sector window, always saved with the same file name) in which I change between sectors, based on what I'm currently trading. As I switch between $SOX and $BTK, and $GSO, then back to $SOX, trendlines I drew the first time I looked at $SOX are still there when I look at $SOX again - great. And they seem to save overnight - again, great.

    But if I open $SOX in a new window, none of trend lines from the above window are there. In fact, other trend lines I drew a long time ago appear when I open sectors or stocks in a new window.

    I am asking because I am working on some new layouts, and I'm wondering what is required so that trend lines I draw in one layout, will be there in other layouts. Does a particular window file name have to be identical for both layouts. And can trendlines for multiple symbols be created in that window, and be saved across layouts?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Line tools are tied to a specific chart so as long as that chart is maintained with the same file name it will retain all the Line Tools you have drawn even when used in multiple Layouts.
    Yes you can have a chart with lines for multiple symbols and it will carry those over when that same window is used in different Layouts

