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INCA Book & Identifying the Ax

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  • INCA Book & Identifying the Ax

    Two questions:

    Does eSignal have any plans on adding the INCA book to a future release?

    Is there a way to highlight or identify who the "ax" is in a certain stock using Market Depth? The "ax" being the MM (or I guess it could be an ECN?) who is on the bid or ask the most for any given stock...

    Thanks for any info,


  • #2

    From your explanation of the "ax", eSignal does not have a function to identify this type of information.

    The next ECN we plan to add will be Instinet (INCA). This will occur once the contractual issues have been ironed out hopefully by Q3 of this year. Keep an eye on our Service Bulletins for announcements of upcoming ECN releases:

    For others interested in general Market Depth or SuperMontage info, please visit:

    Ray P.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick reply, Ray.

      Just one more question: Do you guys have any plans to integrate the ISLD and ARCA books into the Level II view? So in other words, the data in the Level II screen for these two ECNs will come from the same source as the ISLD and ARCA books.

      Thanks again,



      • #4

        What version of eSignal are you running? The Market Depth window is available only with the latest version which is 7.2. Have you already added the ISLD and ARCA Books to your account? Instructions are available here:

        Since ISLD and ARCA are non-participants (with Supermontage),
        only their best bid/ask info is included in the Montage tab of the Market Depth window. Separate tabs are designated for ISLD and ARCA.

        I'm not aware of any plans to integrate the ISLD and ARCA books into the Level II portion of the window but I will pass this suggestion along to our developer for further consideration. Feel free to email comments, suggestions and ideas regarding eSignal to [email protected].

        Hope this helps,
        Ray P.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          I support also the idea to have an optin for to integrate ECN book inside the L2. I have used this feature with Cyber and this is very usefull for active trader.


          • #6
            In the Market Depth window you'll see 3 separate tabs -- one for Montage, ARCA, and ISLD. When you're in the ARCA tab, you'll see order numbers to list each bid and offer (all ARCA as the market maker). The same goes for ISLD. Right now, the QuoteView can only list the top of each maker and not the entire book of each.

            We're looking into adding the ability to combine these tabs into a custom tab. However, there are contract issues we need to deal with because some books refuse to let their depth be shown mixed with other books (because they don't want their depth compared).

            Hopefully, by the next release of eSignal (this spring) we'll have a handle on who can mix with each other and make those combinations available.

            Ray P.
            eSignal Support

