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Real-time data & LiveCharts

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  • Real-time data & LiveCharts

    I've been a paying LiveCharts member for many years...

    Why has the decision for Real-time data to be no longer available on site? (data on will be provided on a delayed basis only.)

    Reason given: The authentication process for LiveCharts is being seperated from the authentication process of the website is just an action being carried out for the decision of not supplying Real Time data, why?

    What alternatives are there for me to use apart from Qcharts/ eSignal expensive interfaces? "Live charts" uses basic java interface BUT had the ABILITY of subscribing to REAL LIVE NON DELAYED DATA which could also be downloaded and cut and pasted into applications...

    Where can I now find this "Live Non-Delayed" option which used to be available at Live Charts at reasonable cost?

  • #2

    LiveCharts is and will continue to be a real-time product for subscribers to the respective exchanges. If you can please let me know what information you are referring to and where you received it, we would like to clear up any misunderstanding about the direction of the LiveCharts product.


    • #3
      Thank you for your prompt reply and confirmation that LIve Charts will "continue to be a real-time product for subscribers to the respective exchanges."

      The following link to the information which gave the impression that "Real-time data would be no longer available for livecharts" is as follows:

      eSignal Knowledge Base - Hot topics #3182
      LiveCharts Account Migration Information
      There are a number of items you should take note of as a result of this transition....

      And mentions para:
      8. Real-time data no longer available on site. The authentication process for LiveCharts is being seperated from the authentication process of the website. As a result, even if you currently subscribe to real-time exchanges via LiveCharts, you will no longer be able to get real-time data when visiting the site. All data on will be provided on a delayed basis only.

      However during the period of me viewing this (and having ensured I'd re-read the whole doc.) a couple of days ago para 5. has been inserted as follows:

      5. Ability to add real-time exchanges at anytime. Once your account is converted to the eSignal Customer Management System, you can add any real-time exchange and pay pro-rated charges on your initial month of service. No longer will you need to wait until the 1st of the month to add a new exchange; you'll be able to add at anytime and just pay on a pro-rated basis (typically based on a 30 day calendar month). Please keep in mind that you will need to agree to our new Terms and Conditions prior to adding any additional services.

      Which changes the whole context of the document thus confirming your reply that indeed subscibers will have the "Ability to add real-time exchanges at anytime". Great News Indeed!

      Thanking for your time on this. BEST for the continuing merger of eSignal... Kind Regards.


      • #4
        REAL TIME!?!

        It is Apparantly NOT real time at least on the symbols I am trying to access.

        Why Can't I get real time access to DX00Y ?

        I have already requested cancellation of my live charts membership as this seems to be deliberate and not a mistake.


        • #5

          Can you identify that symbol you are looking to track? I'm not familiar with DX00Y off-hand.

          We have made no changes to real-time data on LiveCharts so if you are actively subscribing to the exchange that sends that symbol, you should still be getting it real-time.

          One change that did occur was that delayed exchanges are no longer defaulted "on" so you have to add the delayed futures or stocks bundle if you want to montior delayed data in addition to your real-time services. You can log-on to Account Maintenance to add either of those delayed bundles.



          • #6
            CANNOT get REAL time data for desired symbol(s)

            from a few different pages on your website you list symbols and indicies I would have REAL time access to (this is BEFORE I signed up) this is not the page I originally got it from but it should work:

            And there you have listed:

            I am NOT able any longer to get REAL time data for the symbol CECX00Y

            Foreign Exchage Spot Index Description Symbol
            US Dollar Index (FINEX) CECX00Y
            Australian Dollar (CME) INDEX:ADY
            British Pound (CME) INDEX:BPY
            Canadian Dollarr (CME) INDEX:CDY
            German Mark (CME) INDEXMY
            French Franc (CME) INDEX:FRY
            Japanese Yen (CME) INDEX:JYY
            Mexican Peso (CME) INDEX:ZGY
            Swiss Franc (CME) INDEX:SFY

            The URL above seems to have been shortened from that page click symbol indicies or:

            Last edited by rrram2; 11-14-2006, 01:26 PM.


            • #7
              Let me clarify a few more points here that should help.

              1. In the past, if you subscribed to a real time exchange in either LiveCharts or QCharts, you could get that same exchange in RT on the website as well. That "global" access to RT data was discontinued due to entitlement and conversion changes. As of now, we only provide data on a delayed basis on our portals (like, and

              2. was replaced by the the which works off the eSignal portal network. As a result, the symbology is no longer what you'd use in LiveCharts or QCharts. For symbols you want to track off the website, here's the symbol lookup.

              Hope this information is helpful.



              • #8

                That does NOT help at all. I can use DX A0 (BUT I still would NEED that REAL time NOT delayed) but what I wanted was WHAT you have listed on your website UNDER
                Foreign Exchage Spot Index Description Symbol
                US Dollar Index (FINEX) CEC: DX00Y

                US Dollar Index (FINEX) CEC: DX00Y

                THAT is WHY I subscribed. I was under the impression from the info I was given from your website that I could access that DATA
                REAL TIME.

                What is the point of subscribing if I have to go to a website and refresh the website to get a current quote.
                AND after I do that a few times then I am locked out from live info for a short time until something resets.

                SO livecharts does not provide ANY live charts?!?

                I CAN access DX00Y from live charts HOWEVER it is DELAYED some unknown amount of time which makes the whole thing pointless, at least for me.

                SO ONE simple (very simple) question remains now.

                CAN I GET A REAL TIME QUOTE for DX00Y WITH livecharts?
                US Dollar Index (FINEX) CEC: DX00Y


                • #9
                  You'll need to subscribe to NYBOT on a real-time basis to get the US Dollar Cash Index. Per Exchange guidelines, we (and all other vendors) are not permitted to provide that symbol as a "free" index. Despite being available in the past, it no longer is.

                  I apologize for the confusion.



                  • #10
                    Am I the only one paying you monthly for streaming data?

                    How is it FREE or how WAS it FREE?
                    doesn't everyone here pay you by the month for streaming data?

                    ANd if that is the case, YOU or IT should have been disclosed BEFORE I subscribed NOT afterwards.
                    I can assure you I am NOT paying $97 a month to get a dollar index.

                    I will bet you I can get it for FREE or for a reasonable amount
                    somewhere in Europe, UK or Japan.

                    And I suggest for your own sanity that you stop misleading potential subscribers into thinking they are going to get some streaming data that they are NOT. That is wrong to sell someone something and take thier money and then NOT give them what you sold them.

                    if IT changed your sales crap (ie webpages) should change to reflect that or in the future you are certain to have ongoing problems with this.



                    • #11
                      It makes no sense to mislead users when you have a monthly subscription service like ours. We offer trials to all new users and customer can cancel any month they choose. If you feel you shouldn't have to pay this month due to the removal of this cash index, just PM me your username or acct# and I'll credit you one month of service (excluding exchange fees).

                      We will review our website for any misleading verbiage regarding this index and will adjust where nec. The symbol CEC DX00Y indicates you need CEC (the current exchange is now NYBOT for this symbol) so that indicates you need to subscribe to CEC to get it (although exchange designate changed from a subscription standpoint, the symbol remained "as is").

                      If you are able to get this symbol at no charge somewhere else, we'd like to know about it as NYBOT's rules should apply to ALL vendors.

                      Once again, I apologize for the confusion and sudden changes.

                      Thank you.

